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"I'm so happy you shared that with me," Namjoon smiled comfortingly at Jungkook as he saw the nervous way he fiddled with his hands. "I know that it's been something you've kept for yourself for a really long time, but I'm just so happy you finally told me."

Jungkook shrugged, "I just don't want it to be a big deal, you know? Because, I'm still the same person you talked to earlier today," he softly spoke.

Coming out wasn't as dramatic as he thought it was gonna be. Namjoon was so chill about it.

"Jungkook I actually already knew," he chuckled giving Jungkook a pat on his back.

Jungkook widened his eyes, "how? I haven't... I haven't told anyone before."

"I just knew, you know Jungkook... you're quite easy to read. And I've known you for so many years, how should we not know?"

"We?" Jungkook's eyes got even bigger.

"Jungkook," he sighed, "we all knew already."

"And about Jimin and you, do what you feel like is the right thing. I just hope that the two of you will find a solution that makes both of you happy at the end of the day. And Jungkook... give it time. Think about it very thoroughly before throwing yourself into something, you have to be very sure about your decisions, especially when it's something like this. I really don't want you to get as upset as you did the last time. But then again, it's up to you. And remember, me and the others, we will always support you," the way Namjoon sounded was so genuine. It really touched Jungkook to have such amazing friends surround him every single day.

"Thank you so much," Jungkook blinked fast. He didn't want to cry again. He really didn't. "I really appreciate it."

"Actually Jungkook," Namjoon clapped his hands together, "I think you and Jimin should talk this through. It will make it way easier for the both of you if you know how each other feel, and what you want."

"I can't... I can't do that. Things are too weird at the moment."

"Exactly, you have to talk about it. If you open up, things won't be weird."

"They will, trust me Namjoon," Jungkook giggled, "you don't know everything that has happened the past days. Shit's weird."

"I can imagine that," Namjoon looked away embarrassed at the way Jungkook's cheeks heated up.

"I just hope you know that you can always come to me if there's anything, literally anything on your mind that you want to talk about or discuss. And you know what? I bet all of us agree on that, including Jimin. We would never judge you in any shape or form for something so natural."

"Thank you Namjoon..." Jungkook smiled mournful at Namjoon and his sweet face.

He wished he could be like him sometimes.

He wished he could be as sane and responsible like him and not freak out over small things.

Jungkook kept thanking Namjoon so much that he started laughing flustered over Jungkook's praising and he stood up.

"I will go now," he said scratching his arm, "it was really nice finally talking to you again. It has really been too long since we did so the last time."


After practice at home the next day Jungkook was determined to talk to Jimin. He had thought everything through in his head, and held rehearsals for himself multiple times wondering again and again how he should approach this thing the most grown up way. Now it really felt like he had it out planned word for word, how he should begin the conversation and how he should lead it to the more complicated stuff that he wasn't amazing at.

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