"Hah! Are you pulling my leg?" Daniel asked back as he kept his attention on David.

Gwen and (Y/n) both stood mortified by how similar both men where. (Y/n) wasn't expecting to see David copied pasted, but here she was.

"No leg pulling here! But we are keen on handshakes!"

"Well who isn't?"

"The names David!"

"Pleasure to meet you David!"

"The pleasure is all mine!"

(Y/n) took note on how similar both men even acted. She turned to Gwen who had the same look of disbelief. It seemed like Gwen was frozen in shock by what was happening infornt of her.

"So, what sort of experience do you have?" David finally asked.

"Well sadly," Daniel's smile fell. "My old camps recently shut down and ever since then I've been looking night and day to find a new group of eager young kiddos to help reach their full potential!"

"Did you hear that Gwen and (Y/n)!" David shouted.

(Y/n) crossed her arms, it took her over a day to be able to have her interview for the job. Why did he trust Daniel so soon?


(Y/n)'s looked over to see Daniel staring directly at her. His piercing blue eyes stayed glued onto her, his smile never left.

"(Y/n)! I've been so worried about you!" Daniel grabbed her hand and quickly spun her into a hug, "you weren't responding to my messages!"

(Y/n) felt herself turn warm as she stared at her two friends. Her mouth opened but no words came out, only a small squeak. David glared slightly at Daniel who held tightly onto (Y/n).

"You know," Gwen said feeling the tension in the air, "I feel like now it's the perfect time to use my vacation days,"

"Aw Gwen are you sure?" Both of them said at the same time.

Daniel still had (Y/n) in his arms as they watched Gwen drive off. (Y/n) wiggle herself away from Daniel, who still had an uncomfortable smile.

"Well more fun for us!" David began, "c'mon Daniel, I think you'll fit in just fine!"

"I think so too David, I think so too," Daniel's eyes never left (Y/n) as they all entered the cabin.


"And that's the difference between what is and is not a baseball! Any questions?" David concluded. He stood smiling as he saw the campers raise their hands, "Yes, Max?"

"Who the fuck is that!"

Max pointed towards Daniel, who was standing uncomfortably close to (Y/n). Her nervousness could be seen through out her face as she tried to stay brave.

"Good question Max! Everyone I want you to give a warm welcome to our newest counsler, Daniel!"

"Howdy Kiddos!" Daniel's smile never left his face. He instantly grabbed onto (Y/n)'s waist.

"You've got to be shitting me," Max spat out in anger. He suddenly felt a spark of an overprotective nature when he saw (Y/n)'s face of discomfort.

"Woah! Watch the language there little fella!"

"Watch the language indeed," David smiled, pushing Daniel off (Y/n).

David kept his arm around (Y/n), keeping her from feeling afraid, "just because Daniel is new, doesn't mean you treat him any differently than you treat (Y/n) or me,"

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