Frieza X Soldier Reader

493 15 7

Same Tune

It was a normal day at the Frieza force for 2nd class soldiers. You wake up, eat, go on mission, sleep and repeat.

There is not much entertainment at the force, except torturing weaklings under the Elites' orders or the Lord himself, but one of the female soldiers, (Y/n), wasn't into such things. 

Yes, she was working under the tyrannical Lord. Yes she conquers planets for him and yes she kills inhabitants of those planets, but she prefers an easy kill than making it last long to hear screams of pain. Which is probably why many Elites look down on me, a soldier who doesn't savour her kill doesn't get much respect from the superiors, calling them weaklings. 

If the Lord knew or heard a soldier on his force do that, let's just say you would be entertaining him for a while - with your live.

(Y/n) may have been a 2nd class soldier, but her abilities are useful on the force quite well. Her race is known as Arachnid Swindles. These humanoid creatures bare 6 limbs in total, 4 arms and 2 feet, whilst they have 4 or 5 eyes (depending on gender) on their heads that have the colours of gems.

 In (Y/n)'s case, they were purple, almost the same shade as the Lord's bio-gem; whilst her dark grey skin complexion contrast her eyes beautifully along with her jet-black hair that is fish braided. Her race also have the ability to create their own materialistic rope which can be manifested into anything they see fit, from a weapon to armour. 

(Y/n) would normally prefer a whip or a long-range weapon to minimize any open areas during her battles, not to mention, her fangs bare paralyzing venom if bitten. Apart from that, (Y/n) also has the normal skills of flight, Ki blasts, Ki sense etc. A requirement that is learnt aboard the force.

Right now (Y/n) and a fellow soldier of hers just finished another mission so they decided to grab a snack at the cafeteria, whilst discussing a normal topic of theirs - cute boys.

"I'm telling you (Y/n), Vegeta is gorgeous! I wouldn't mind sleeping with him." (F/n) spoke. She truly had a thing for that Saiyan, and she can't help but think he does too.

"Well good luck with him. He is a grump. End of story." (Y/n) replied with slight venom in her voice. Let's just say the Saiyan and her didn't start on good terms.

"Come on (Y/n). You still hate him for what happened?" (F/n) queried her. She knew (Y/n) since the first time she stepped into the ship, so she knew her hatred to Vegeta.

"Yes I do. Would you like it if someone called you a racial slur in front of your face?" She grunted as she grabbed a fruit salad from the tray and a bottle of water. She wasn't too hungry.

She heard her friend sigh "I guess, but you gotta admit he is handsome in a sense." She spoke as they finished speaking, she grabbed a salad and some juice before making their way to an empty table and sat down to eat. 

"Your turn got an eye for anyone?"(F/n) asked as she wiggled her eyebrow.

"Does it look like I have a chance with anyone? I have better chances at insulting Zarbon and getting away with it than finding someone who has interest in me." She sighs lightly as she truly did have a crush on one person here, but she wouldn't dare say that to anyone unless she is looking a death wish.

Her boss, Lord Frieza was her crush. As insane as that sounds, she truly did like him. His eyes, his looks and his laughs would make (Y/n) blush madly; thankfully she keeps herself composed when needed but it can never be helped when he is the only thing that lingers on her mind.

As she tried to divert her crush in her thoughts, she noticed a familiar instrument at the end of the cafeteria that she hasn't seen since childhood.

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