Zamasu x Goddess Reader

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Kindred Spirits

It was a peaceful day in the Realm of Kais, as the Supreme Kai of Universe 10 was enjoying the beautiful scenery with a cup of tea and the company of his apprentice, Zamasu.

"It is beautiful, is it not, Zamasu?" Gowasu stated as he sipped his tea silently, whilst watching the sunsets.

"Yes, master. The scenery is... quite ravishing. All the colours merging together to form one, cohesive view" Zamasu replied as he too stared at the beauty of the sky. "It is a shame mortal cease to destroy such beauty though" Zamasu mumbled as he sipped his tea.

"I heard that Zamasu! You should know by now that it is not up to us to judge mortals' actions; we must create and observe mortals' lifestyles. Destruction is the duty of Lord Rumsshi, not Kais. Let it go, Zamasu and embrace what you have in front of you." Gowasu stated the same speech for the millionth time, it sickened Zamasu to hear the same rant over and over again, but he couldn't do much about it. Not yet anyways.

"Apologies, master. I... slipped up" He bows regrettable as an apology. 

"You are forgiven, but please erase those beliefs from you mind. A Kai like yourself does not require such thoughts to cloud your judgements." Gowasu sighs heavily as he desperately wishes that his apprentice would banish such sinful thoughts as it could be the end of him.

It all happened when they visited a newly created planet with new mortals that are early in development. Due to that, they are known for their barbaric conflicts at this time and it somehow inflicted into Zamasu as a sin as he single handily ended a life of such mortal. Even though, it was a self of defence, it was wrong. The Kais could've easily teleports away from the mortal but instead, he took drastic measures that could've changed the entire history timeline.

Their silence was interrupted when both Kais sensed 2 different Ki signatures approaching them. One of them was recognisable, it was Cus, the angel of Universe 10 yet, the being that was next to her was a mystery.

It was another deity, a Kai to be more specific, but that wasn't what stunned the Kais the most, that Kai was a young female! Probably around the same age and stature as Zamasu, with her own Kai uniform that showcases her role and the responsibility she withholds in that role.

In Zamasu's eyes, she was gorgeous. The colour of her eyes, her silky hair, her stern yet calm figure. He was mesmerised by her. How can such a beauty only entitle a mere Kai role?

"Greetings Cus, how have you been?" Gowasu greets his guests by bowing in respect, Zamasu follows suit.

"Salutations fellow Kais, I am well, thank you. How are you yourselves? Still training your apprentice I see." Cus giggles lightly, a habit this angel possesses. Always in a positive mood, no matter the circumstances.

"We too are well and to answer your question, yes. Zamasu is still undergoing his trainings to take my role. He still has a long way to go but he is making remarkable progress..." The elder Kai replied as he and Cus continued to engage in a friendly conversation whilst Zamasu's eyes continued to drift on the mysterious Kai.

Her eyes evaded his as she merely focused on the green grass below them - she looks calm and neutral, but he senses that she is hiding her boredom in the whole situation. Zamasu saw minor pity in her as he too was bored at the whole situation. 

Even though he has never met her before, he desperately wishes to get along with her. Why does he feel such attraction towards her all of a sudden?

"....Isn't that right Zamasu? Zamasu!" He was forced out of his thoughts when he heard his name projected by his master.

"Y-yes master" the apprentice replied with a slight stutter, unsure of what he just answered.

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