[HarryStyles] Let Them Slip Out Of Your Mouth

Start from the beginning

That would explain her serious weight loss; she went from the hourglass princess to the pencil-like girl she is now. However, what we don’t understand is why she would have to forcefully vomit on top of starving herself?

There are no signs of cutting, but apparently she stuck to different types of self-harm, excluding the already known starving and purging. It’s been said that Jefferson pulled strands of her hair out, “one-by-one, like someone does when they’re in serious pain, like you see in the movies” says close friend.

Reps have not answered phone calls and are avoiding the topic. But, they can’t ignore it for long. People are growing curious. What happens to her two movies that are set to begin filming in the summer?

Insiders say that Braelyn was just diagnosed with a personality disorder, Borderline Personality Disorder. We did our research on this disorder, and it looks like she’s going to be in the hospital for a long time if she wants to get better and no longer have this disorder.

She was seen, only two weeks before the admittance, smiling with friends. We contacted the owner of the bowling alley she and friends were spotted at and he says, “Nothing really seemed right. She ignored all the fans who stared at her and simply signed autographs for the ones brave enough to walk up to her. She looked angry with the attention.”

I think we can all say that we would all be angry with the attention, but her behavior wasn’t like her normal behavior. If anything, she’s the one celebrity who is always willing to stop and sign autographs and even take a few pictures.

Clearly, the girl needs help, and hopefully she gets the help she needs and deserves.



It’s almost a week since Braelyn Jefferson (18) was hospitalized and people are beginning to talk. Close friends who asked to remain anonymous have hinted at a disorder called Borderline Personality Disorder along with all the other illnesses that Jefferson is dealing with.

According to psychology.about.com, Borderline Personality Disorder is defined as a serious mental illness characterized by pervasive instability in moods, interpersonal relationships, self-image, and behavior, and this instability often disrupts family and work life, long-term planning, and the individual's sense of self-identity.

Now, I'm no psychologist, and I majored in Journalism, but now that Braelyn Jefferson was supposedly diagnosed with this disorder, everyone wants to know what it is. So, I'm going to try to explain.

Before I do this, and before you continue to read on, please remember that Braelyn is not only struggling with this disorder. Close friends say that her problems also include purging, anorexia, and different forms of almost unnoticeable self-harm. From what I have learned about Borderline Personality Disorder is that it doesn’t always stand by itself – there will probably be another illness involved. And yes, I said illness. This disorder is now considered a mental illness.

Criteria 1 – Abandonment Fears: These come from separation anxiety. They anticipate separation or rejection and that typically leads to changes in self-image, or how they see themselves, the mind, and behavior. Typically, they have intolerance for being alone. Didn’t her mother leave the family when she was young?

Criteria 2 – Unstable Intense Relationships: Their black and white thinking, or their extreme thinking, often leads them to see a significant other either as flawless or undervalued. When angry with the loved one, they seem to ignore and push it away to preserve the goodness. Does that remind any of you of her relationship with Logan Lerman, or who she never seems to have a friend for longer than seven months (excluding Beau)?

Criteria 3 – Identity Disturbance: Borderline Personality Disorder patients have an unstable and weak self-image. She must not like her curves considering she has eating disorders.

Criteria 4 – Impulsivity: Sometimes the intention is self-damaging, but most of the time the effects of the impulsivity is self-damaging. Common forms of impulsive behavior for borderline patients are substance or alcohol abuse, bulimia, unprotected sex, promiscuity, and reckless driving. Well, she is bulimic, and she did quit a movie three days before filming was supposed to start.

Criteria 5 – Suicidal or Self-Injurious Behavior: Well, that one is enough said. These moods only last a few hours, typically. From starving to purging to pulling her hair out, she’s definitely harming herself.

Criteria 6 – Emptiness: It’s said that the patients can feel the emptiness in the chest or abdomen region. This emptiness is associated with loneliness and neediness. That one I'm not sure of. No one mentioned her having pains. And her reps won’t answer calls about her hospitalization.

Criteria 7 – Anger: It is not known if the anger is from genetics or just the environment. Even when anger is not expressed, people with Borderline Personality Disorder report feeling angry. Research states that often anger is followed by shame or a sense of being evil. Well, friends of Jefferson have said that she has been angry recently…

Criteria 8 - Psychotic-like Perpetual Distortions: This sounds worse than it is. What this means is that sometimes people with this disorder feel that the world is unreal or feel unreal. I do know that Braelyn sometimes does not like to accept reality. I don’t really understand this part of the disorder, but maybe she has this, who knows?

Now, I'm not saying that we should all discuss whatever this is and tell the world about it like we know everything there is to know. All I'm doing is telling the public what apparently plagues Braelyn Jefferson.

Remember, she has so many other things wrong that this isn’t the only thing.

Reps still won’t discuss this and I'm just trying to keep you informed.


Today, October 20th, 2012, Braelyn Jefferson (18), the Perfect American Girl, the wonderful actress, was spotted leaving the hospital that she was admitted to in April. She has been discharged and reps have finally answered calls pertaining to Jefferson.

“She’s in a good place now. We’re going to give her about a month, a little over a month, and then she wants to start filming again. She wants to get right back into it, but we think she should have some time. Everything has worked out for her and she’s happy again. That’s all that matters,” says Lisa Marshall, the longtime agent of Jefferson.

At least fifteen pounds lighter than she was when she filmed True Life, Jefferson is finally back. She has not made any appearances or statements just yet.

Beau Mirchoff was seen walking out with her, alongside her father, younger sister, and Lisa. “There’s no need for you to be discussing anything about her private life, especially something like this. It’s actually disgusting that you’re still writing about it as if you think she’s this animal,” Beau went off on our reporter when he apparently stepped too close to Jefferson to ask her a question about her eating disorders.

That might be true, Beau, but let’s face it. She’s Braelyn Jefferson. Nothing that girl does is private. Just like nothing One Direction does is private. She’s the One Direction of actors.

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