Chapter 10 : Lord Death

Start from the beginning

"Pardon my intrusion... But for us to stay, we'd have to ask our Master first. And it's highly unlikely for him to say yes since we are, after all, the strongest team in our guild," Erza cut in.

"And where would we sleep? Where would we stay? We have no money here, and I'm pretty sure you guys use a different kind of currency here," Gray argued, reasonably.

"I could provide you with a home and enough money to last each of you a about a month. And that'll be all the money you'll receive from me. In order to receive more money, you'll have to take up jobs, or quests, whatever works with you, up on the board."

"But they aren't meisters nor weapons. How will they take up jobs?" Maka questioned.

"I'm confident that their magic will suffice," Lord Death grinned.

"So it'll just be like accepting quests back in Fairy Tail?" Natsu asked.

"In a way, yes."

"Alright, seems like everything is planned out. All that matters now, is whether or not you guys are going to stay with me?" I looked at them expectantly.

"We'll call Makarov and ask right now," Erza nodded. "Well then, it was nice meeting you Lord Death. Have a nice day," Erza bowed politely and everyone followed suit. We then left the room together.

"Hey Lucy," Black★Star whispered in my ear. "Wanna see something cool?"

I nodded, "Lead the way, great and powerful Black★Star." He grinned, happy to hear someone praise him for his strength. Black★Star then grabbed my hand and began to run ahead of the others.

"Hey! Where are you two going?" Natsu yelled at us, running to catch up.

"You'll see flamethrower! Just go outside," Black★Star laughed. We lost Natsu after a few more minutes of running. He led me to a large stairway that seemed to go to the top of the school.

"Wow... More stairs," I said sarcastically. I wasn't a huge fan of stairs.

"If you wanna see the cool thing fast, you better hold on."

"Hold on to wha– Ahh! Black★Star?!" I exclaimed. In one swift motion, Black★Star had lifted me off the ground and carried me bridal style, like how Loke does. Black★Star smirked before running at an amazing speed up the stairs. He was so fast, my hair was actually flowing in the wind. I looked down at his feet and saw that he was skipping two stairs with every step.

In no time, we had reached the end of the stairs to be confronted by a door. "Are you ready?" He asked. I nodded slowly. "Good, now close your eyes."

I frowned. "I'm not a child. I don't need to close my eyes. Besides, I don't really like surprises."

"But it's way better if you just– Ah never mind," Black★Star sighed. He went behind me and covered my eyes. I resisted for a second, then quickly gave up. Surprises can be good for you every once in a while, Luce, I told myself.

I heard the door open and felt a blast of wind in my face. Black★Star led me through the door. "Are you ready?" He whispered close to my ear. I could feel his hot breath against my earlobe, causing me to shiver.

"My body is ready," I joked and he burst out laughing. Black★Star removed his hands and let me see a beautiful horizon of Death City. I gasped in awe of the beauty. "Wow! You can see for miles!" I ran up to the edge and leaned against it; trying to get a better look. For that minute, I felt as if I were a normal girl again. I had forgotten about the black blood in my veins, the new magic I had, and even about the fact that this was a city called Death. I stared at the horizon for while longer before looking at the ground. At the bottom, I could see Maka and the gang leaving the building and looking up at me. "Hi there!" I yelled.

"Hurry up!" She shouted back. I turned around to face Black★Star. He looked at the sunset, his eyes lost in thought. Damn, he looks so hot right now, I thought and began to stare; I was enjoying this view rather than the one I currently had my back to.

"Are you afraid of heights?" He asked when he noticed me starring at him.

"Well, not necessarily. Bu—"

"Great," He smiled and swept me off my feet again. Then, he leaped on the edge of the roof. I could feel my stomach clench.

"But I am afraid of," I began, but he already jumped off of the roof. "Falling!" I yelled at the top of my lungs, clinging onto Black★Star. My stomach was lurching and I thought we were going to die until we suddenly stopped falling. "Oh my god, we hit the floor didn't we?" I asked out loud. Black★Star laughed.

"Well, we are on the ground now." I opened my eyes and looked around. Black★Star gently put me down. We were on the ground, safe and sound. There wasn't a dent in the floor nor was there any drops of blood. Black★Star was standing perfectly. His ankles didn't seem to be broken.

"What– How– Huh?" I asked a bit speechlessly. I was still trying to catch my breath after all the screaming.

"It's a ninja thing. We're light on our feet. You don't believe that, I, the Great and Powerful Black★Star would let us die like that do you?" He laughed obnoxiously.

I was about to remark back but Natsu came running towards us and tackling Black★Star. "You idiot! You could've gotten Luce killed! What the hell were you thinking?" Natsu yelled in Black★Star's face as he pinned his arms to the floor.

"I'm not that stupid! You're the idiot since you believed that I would do something to injure Lucy!" Black★Star shouted back and flipped so that it was Natsu who was being pinned instead of him.

"Says the one who put Lucy in the hospital first!"

"Both of you stop!" I yelled and pulled Black★Star off of Natsu. The group slowly walked over to us.

"Hey what's with all the commotion?" Soul asked coolly.

"He started it!" Black★Star and Natsu both said like children.

"You guys are so immature," Liz sighed and shook her head as she crossed her arms.

"Come on, let's go you guys. It's getting late. We need to figure out where you'll sleep tonight," Maka walked ahead.

"If you want, you all can stay at my house. It's pretty big. Just don't touch anything that isn't in your assigned bedroom," Kid offered.

"Lucy you'll have to stay with us. Just so we can supervise you, of course," Maka turned around and informed me.

"Oh uh, ok," I said reluctantly. I had originally wanted to stay with my fellow guild members, to have a sense of home. But, it couldn't be avoided so I decided to leave it alone.

"We have to pick up my wagon at the hospital first," Erza said.

"Alrighty then," Patties giggled. When we reached the bottom of the stairs, we all went our separate ways. Kid, Liz, Pattie, Erza, Wendy, Carla, Gray, and Natsu headed towards the hospital to pick up their things. I went with Maka and Soul back to their apartment while Tsubaki and Black★Stat headed towards another set of apartments.


HEY GUYS! I wanted to make this chappy a bit longer, since I haven't updated in over a year. But I thought that I was keeping you from the story so HERE xD

Btw, has Blaire shown up in this story yet? I feel like she did but I can't remember >~>

Oopsie. Oh well, thank you guys for reading my story! I love you all SOOO MUCHHH :)))))))

MKAY. GOODNIGHT. It's like 3 a.m. for me 9.9


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