Chapter 9 : The DWMA!

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Hiiiyaaaa! I'm back!!! Mkay on with the story! ;3

Chapter 9 : The DWMA

Lucy's POV

"Wow!" I exclaimed as I looked up at the Death Weapon Meister Academy. The school had a lot of steps and a perfectly symmetrical design! Probably Kid's idea. Karina wasn't with us... She went back into me once the school came into sight.

"This is the DWMA. Weapons and Meisters go to school here and also choose the missions they go on to kill Kishins all over the world," Maka informed me.

"It's so big! Natsu, look at it! Black★Star, don't you ever get tired climbing these giant steps everyday?" I asked.

"Of course not! Something like this is nothing to the all-mighty Black★Star!" He exclaimed and I giggled.

"This place would be better if they had an elevator," Liz complained.

"A what?" I asked. I looked at Erza to see if she knew what an elevator was. But her expression showed that she was just as clueless as me! Actually, everyone's faces were clueless... Everyone from Fiore, that is.

"You don't know what an elevator is?" Soul asked. We shook our heads no. Soul seemed to find this funny and burst into laughter. "Wow! You guys are really a bunch of Country-Bumpkins!" He pointed at us and laughed. I'm no Country-Bumpkin! I come from a used-to-be-rich family! I wanted to scream, but instead I frowned.

"Maka Chop!" Maka screamed and hit Soul with her came-out-of-no-where hard-covered book. Serves him right... "Anyways," Maka continued,"An elevator is a moving platform or cage for carrying passengers or freight from one level to another, as in a building."

"Uh, ok?" I tried to imagine what an elevator would look like... but my imagination didn't really run wild on this subject.

"So! Let's go up the stairs!" Pattie exclaimed as she marched up the stairs. Kid pulled out this levitating board -again, out of nowhere- and stood on it as the board levitated up the stairs.

"Is that an elevator?" Gray asked, pointing to Kid's board. Black★Star burst out laughing. "That's a skateboard! Why're you guys so -"
"MAKA CHOP!" Maka screamed out and Black★Star was unconscious once again along side Soul.

"I am very sorry for my partner's behavior," Tsubaki bowed in apology.

"Eh? Oh, uhh... N-no it's fine," I was a little embarrassed that she was bowing to me. It made me feel as if I were back in the Heartfilia estate again. "Well then... Shall we go up?"

"Sure," Gray replied cooly and headed up the stairs first.


"Ughhh... How," -gasp- "do you," -pant pant- "climb those," -gasp- "steps every," -pant- "day?!" I asked Maka who seemed untainted by the 50 flights of stairs.

"It's become a daily excersize thing. I'm used to it now," Maka shrugged and walked into the school.
"We better hury if we want to see my father, he usually doesn't like being bothered during school hours unless it's an emergency," Kid told us. I took inhaled deeply and continued to walk with them.
We didn't have time to sight see since the classes start at 7:30 (which Kid OCD-ed about for the past few minutes or so). "Hurry," Maka commanded as she quickened her pace. She was shorter than me by a few inches, so it wasn't that hard to keep up with her.

Then, we finally reached a huge doorway. "We're here," Maka told us. The door was black with a skull design that could be seen everywhere here in the DWMA. There was a little slot on the side of the door. I guessed that we were supposed to knock on the door, and that's what Kid did.

Knock knock knock.

It wasn't long until the slot slide open and a face appeared. The man was wearing the skull mask that was similar to the skull on the door. "Hello? What do you want?" He asked. The man's voice wasn't deep nor high. It was a normal pitched voice, but a raspy one too. He kind of sounded like an old man.

"We're here to see my father," Kid replied, his hands in his pockets.

"Oh, hello Kid! I'll inform you dad right away that you are here. Please wait a moment," the old man told us. Kid nodded at him and the man closed the slot.

"Who's that?" Natsu asked.

"That's the reaper's assistant. It's a new thing my father thought up. That's Henry, he doesn't really like to show his face so he wears that mask all the time.

"I-it's a bit scary..." Wendy said from behind Erza.

"It is?" Erza asked Wendy.

"Don't worry! It was scary for me at first too, but everything is alright now! Everyone is actually really nice behind their scay faces," Pattie smiled, trying to help Wendy not be afraid of the school anymore.

"R-really? Thank you, Pattie-chan," Wendy replied gratefully. It looked like she was starting to warm up to these people.

"No problem!" Pattie laughed. Suddenly, the huge door started to open.

"Oh, looks like we can go in," Kid said and started to walk in. The hallway had these big red arcs above us. They were like the arcs in traditional Japanese shrines, except they had a silver blade in the middle.... Then I came to a realization that these were the guillotines used in the medieval times! I stopped in my tracks and dared to walk no further.

"Lucy? What's wrong? Why'd you stop?" Black★Star asked me. He looked up and saw what I was looking at. "Oh. Don't worry about those, they won't fall. I promise. If you're scared, you can hold my hand," Black★Star offered his hand.

"Oh... Th-thanks," I blushed and just as I was about to grab his hand, someone grabbed it before me. I followed the hand's arm to find Nats with an angry face.

"I-I-I'm scared," He stuttered. But, the way he stuttered didn't soul like he was scared, it sounded more like he was mad... or jealous?

"What the hell? Are you gay or someting?! Let me go!" Black★Star yelled at Natsu, but he wouldn't let go. Black★Star started to wriggle his arm and tried to pry Natsu off, but failed. I giggled, but then Black★Star punched Natsu in the face and he finally let go. "Come on Lu, let's go," Black★Star said to me and grabbed me hand with his and led me down the hallway.


That was Chapter 9! Hope you enjoyed! Don't forget to vote and comment! And while you're at it, why don't you go ahead and click that follow button! If you do, there'll be a higher percntage of me updating more often! So yeah! Have a good day/night!



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