Chapter 4 : Love Triangle!

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Hey guys! I got this awesome chapter thats gonna be really short because it has only like 5% things that have to do with the story! ;P But, whatever. I updated the last chapter... just in case you didn't know... yet. But yeah, I made it way longer and well, the dance went well. Turns out that my dress wasn't fancy enough! It should've been a Christmas Prom, not a Christmas Ball! Seriously, I'm only in seventh grade and the dance made me feel like I was in an actual Prom! I left early because, my date didn't show up, I almost had an anxiety attack, and my friend who went with me ditched me for her other friends! I don't know what's wrong with me, but at least I have you guys... Right? Right now I'm really sick because of the dance... That cursed thing! Hope you have a wonderful Christmas soon! :D

Chapter 4 : A Love Triangle?

Maka's POV

We went directly to the hospital after Loke stopped arguing with Black★Star while he held Lucy in his arms. I've read books about celestial spirits, and stellar magic. Although, I never knew that they were actually real. I always thought they were fairy tales.

But then again, Lucy said she came from... Fairy Tail. I'm still confused about that fact, but still...

"Maka," Kid said, bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah?" I said, trying to keep my blush down. I don't know why, but whenever I talk him, or when I'm near him, I always get hot and try not to look embarrassed about looking at him. I've never felt this way about anyone before. But when I first met him and felt my blood rush up to my face. I always thought that it was just because he was stronger and more powerful than me, and that he's Lord Death's son, and a reaper for god's sake!

When I talked to Liz about my... situation. Wait, no. Let's call it a problem. Okay, that sounds a little better. So, anyway, when I talked to her about my problem she lit up. I'm not joking, she actually made the room we were in become brighter. I didn't even know that, that was possible! When I asked what was wrong, she just hugged me, stuffing me into her breasts. She released me before I felt like I was going to faint from the loss of oxygen. She finally told me that I had a thing for her meister.



"A thing?" I asked her, confused because I haven't experienced anything like this and, well, never wanted to be with a guy before.

"Yes! Your feelings make perfect sense. You can tell that your in love when you go through these kind of symptoms!" She squealed with delight.

"What symptoms? I haven't felt anything out of the ordinary," I lied.

"Really? Ok, have you ever felt that its gotten a bit warm when your next to Kid?"


"Did you ever notice that your face feels hot when you think about him?"

"I guess. But its like that with Soul, too."

"Do you ever feel like you stare at Kid for no reason, but because of how you like to look at him?"

"Well, that's only because he stares back at me!" I protested, seeing where this was leading too.

"All those things are telling you that you have feelings for him! And, from what you told me about how he stares back at you, I'm guessing that he likes you too!" Her face turned into one of those colons with a capital d. (A/N - If you guys don't know what she's talking about, she's talking about this :D)

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