4. Daryl and Merle Dixon

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I wake up to the sound of rustling and look up to see Elijah sitting on his makeshift bed across from me, Baby as his feet as Elijah gives her her morning pets.

"That reminds me," I say, cutting him off guard as he looks away from Baby and towards me, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

I sit up on my bed and begin rustling through my jacket pockets before I find what I want.

The necklace.

I slip it out of the pocket and throw it to Elijah who catches it with one hand. He stops petting Baby, much to her dismay to examine the necklace. A big smile forms on his face as he looks at it.

"Do you like it?" I ask, my voice up an octave.

Elijah looks up at me, "I love it. Thanks Alex." He says before looking back at it. "Put it on for me?" He asks me. I stand up and take the necklace from Elijah's hand, slipping it around his neck.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" I ask Elijah as I attempt over and over again to put the necklace on, failing every time.

I swear I am the worst at necklaces, I have never had small enough hands to get a good grip on the clip I'm part of the necklace.

So frustrating.

Elijah doesn't answer me at first, as if contemplating his answer.

"What do you mean?" He asks, trying to be oblivious with the whole situation. He knows I'm talking about the night terror, he's always been a bad liar.

"Don't play dumb with me, you know what I'm talking about." I say as I finally clip the necklace together, causing me to high-five myself before climbing out of his bad and into my own.

Elijah and I sit in silence for a while before he starts talking.

"It's just that when you were gone I was really scared because you were gone longer than you said you would be. And then we got the radio signal from T-Dog saying that you guys were stuck, I just lost it." Elijah pauses, tears brimming his eyes, "If you never came back I would have no one. That was the trigger." He finishes.

I look at Elijah, my heart breaking as I look at his face.

Don't cry, don't cry.

Mom was always the pro at comforting people when they were sad, let's just say I'm the worst at it.

I walk over to Elijah and grab his face.

"You can't get rid of me that easily. I am. I'm not going anywhere anytime soon." I say.

Elijah nods his head before standing up and walking out of the tent.

I walk out of the tent and am immediately greeted by Carol.

"Good morning dear." She says as she continues to hang clothes on our clothing wrack. She's like the mother of the group I guess you could say.

"Do you need me to wash any of your clothes?" She asks me.

"I should be good, thank you though." I answer, giving her the biggest smile I could muster. I look further down the camp and see Glenn standing beside Rick as they watch the Red Camaro that Glenn brought back being Torn apart by Dale, Jim and Shane.

"Look at 'em," Glenn starts when I reach them, standing beside Rick. "Vultures. Yeah, go on strip it clean." Glenn says, the bitterness evident in his voice. I chuckle slightly causing Glenn to look at me.

"Generators need every drop of fuel they can get got no power without it. Sorry, Glenn." Dale informs before walking back towards the RV, carrying a box of tools with him.

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