2. Running Out Of Time

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If I had a list of bad, terrible, horrible ideas this one would be the first on that list.

I make sure my gloves are secure on my hands, trying to occupy my mind with things other than what Rick is about to do right this second.

Rick lowers his head gear down over his face before breaking glass to get to an emergency axe.

We all stood in silence around the walker body that T-Dog and I just dragged in here, waiting for Rick to do what he said he was gonna do.

Cut open the walker.

I look away as Rick swings the axe down but I look back when I hear the axe dropping on the floor. I furrowed my brows as I see Rick digging through the walkers pockets.

I watch as Rick pulls out what looks to be a wallet.

"Wayne Dunlap." Rick says as he looks at the open wallet at what I presume to be a license. "Georgia license," Rick continues, "Born in 1979." Rick says before passing the license to Glenn.

"He had 28 dollars in his pocket when he died, and a picture of a pretty girl." Rick continues, "'With love, from Rachel.'. He used to be like was, worrying about bills, or the rent, or the Super Bowl. If I ever find my family I'm gonna tell them about Wayne." Rick finishes before stuffing the wallet back into Wayne's pocket, grabbing the axe back up from the floor.

I turn around, not wanting to see Rick cut open the walker. Afraid that my stomach contents might come out if I did.

"One more thing," Glenn begins making me look at him, "He was an organ donor."

I hear Rick cut into the body of Wayne, the sound alone making me gag and at this very moment am I glad that I turned around.

Everyone around me gagging left and right, exclaiming things like 'Oh My God' or 'Gross' as Rick continues to hack at the body.

Rick finally finishes his massacre, Glenn letting me know that it's ok for me to turn around. I look at the scene in front of me, I have to put my hand over my mouth to stop me from throwing up.

"Everybody got gloves?" Rick asks, causing everyone to nod, "Don't get any on your skin or in your eyes." Rick finishes before he begins digging his hands into the walker guts, everyone following his lead.

I reach in to grab a chuck of walker guts before walking over to Glenn and smearing it all over his coat that Rick found. Glenn begins kneeling on the floor as Andrea and I begin smearing the guts all over him.

"Oh jeez. This is bad, this is really, really bad." Glenn says as he closes his eyes, allowing us to get the front of him as well.

"Think of something else like puppies and kittens." Rick offers Glenn, the disgust evident in his voice as he does so.

"Dead puppies and kittens." T-Dog says.

I look at Glenn and I know what's coming from the disgusting look in his face.

"Glenn don't you dare your gonna make me throw-" Before I can finish my sentence Glenn is already turned around and emptying his stomach contents onto the floor next to my feet. I try my best to stop it but I can't stop the gagging as it come in full swing. I stop gagging as Glenn stands but up, wiping his mouth.

"This is just evil, what is wrong with you?" Andrea says as she looks at Rick.

"Next time let the cracker beat his ass." Jacqui says as she continues to cover Rick with walker guts as well.

"Do we smell like them?" Rick asks as I practically throw walker guts onto Glenns back.

"Oh yeah." I say as I rub it further up his back, more towards his shoulders. I back away from Glenn, no longer able to smear walker guts on anyone without me throwing up or passing out.

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