"Shyla, you're awake."

Shyla stared at Adamos with a mask of contempt, "It would seem so."

Adamos looked at Shyla in exasperation, "Do you still not know who I am?"

"What like you're someone special?" She spat.

Adamos grimanced, "I'm Merikh's son."

Shyla shrugged, "I could honestly care less."

He ignored her words, curving his hands up the scar along her cheek instead, "It's a shame isn't it? They way your face is mutilated," his hands roughly grazed the edge of her cheek, "Who did it?"

Shyla's pulse quickend as she remembered the way Merikh had allowed the whip to travel too far up her back and Shyla had dared to glance back at him, which resulted in the cut above her cheek bone. Merikh had regretted making the cut after he saw how deep it went. For once, her let the pack healer treat the wound, but no one could stop the scarring of silver. She could practivally feel the hands he dragged accross her face as he grimanced at the wound he created, "Why do you always push me to do this Shyla? I can barely stand to look at that hideious scar on your face any longer." He wasn't lying, he hated seeing that imperfection on her face, so he found other ways to torment her.

Shyla snarled, "Get your hands off me."

"I asked you a question. Why don't you answer."

"It's the father you love so much that did this," Shyla spat.

At Shyla's words something shifted in Adamos' face, "He also tried to mark you?"

Shyla's voice dripped with sarcasm, "Awwwww, are you starting to care about your captive?"

"Did he really try to mark you?"

From the look on Adamos' face, Shyla knew exactly what he was thinking. Marking can only be done with your True Mate once the bond was revealed. If you marked someone who wasn't your True mate, you risked their death or subjecting them to incriminating pain. With the rare few who found their true mates, markings had almost become an extinct practice.

"Yes," Shyla whispered.

"And you didn't die?"

"Well I see you're back to asking stupid questions. Are you unable to see what is right in front of you?"

Adamos winced, walking away from where Shyla was bound, "I suppose you had a point in killing him then."

A grin spread across Shyla's face, she would forever relish watching the life flicher out of Merikh's eyes as she stabbed him in the chest. Without an Alpha, Merikh's pack soon fell into shambles and Adamos was likely away on training during the time. He would've returned with everything he knew gone. "Does it bother you knowing that I'm not the villain you make me out to be?"

"Well it does complicate things," a sigh left Adamos' lips, "I suppose it doesn't matter now, what''s done is done. I only need you to help me with a small task."

What an amazing way to sum up the years of trauma Shyla suffered from Merikh's hand; What's done is done, "And why in the goddess's name would I do that?"

"Well, since you were so reluctant to agree to my initial terms, it seemed that I had to do some rewriting."

Shyla groaned, "Just tell me what the hell you want!"

"I need you to steal something for me during the Mating Moon celebrations."

"What excatly do we need to steal?"

"A little trinket from Aima Lunair."

"Blood Moon?" Shyla asked incredously, "You're sending us to our deaths."

Adamos only stayed quiet.

"They will kill us and you know it. This isn't about revenge, you just want us humiliated as we die at the hands of the Lycan."

"If you don't do it, I kill your brother. The only way you and Mikhail walk free from this is if you give me what I want."

Shyla scoffed, shaking her head increadously, "Your bluffing."

Adamos fixated his hard stare onto Shyla as he forced the tip of his knife to Shyla's abdomen, "Am I?"

Shyla smirked, "Do it then, harm your weapon and lose your 'little trinket' forever," she leaned close to Adamos' face, "We both already know you're too scared to get it yourself."

Shyla watched in satisfaction as Adamos atempted to push the dagger in deeper, yet falter at the last second, "If you want me to steal from the Lycan, I'll do it on my own terms," Adamos glared at Shyla, opening his mouth to protest, "If you dare threaten me again, I won't hesitate to kill you the same way I did your father," Shyla's gaze traveled down to the center of Adamos' chest, "With a knife to the heart."

Shyla smirked as she ripped herself out of the binds, "Now listen closely because this is what you're going to do."

Author's Section

Welp, these chapters just seem to be getting longer and longer, I hit over 2000 words guys!!!!! *wipes sweat from brow after an exhausting writing marathon*

Anyways..... this chapter was relatively fast-paced and there were a few things you had to keep track of. After taking so long to post, I really hope it lives up to your expections.

I for one am soooo excited for summer vacation! After all the stress of school, I'll finally get some time to relax (definitely going to binge a few Netflix series). Let me know any good movies/TV shows that I (and other readers) should check out! I'm watching Lucifer right now and I LOVE it. The perfect balance of murder mystery and supernatural and existential crisis (iykyk). 

As always, thank you for your support and patience for this chapter!

- Meena Krishna

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