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"I don't believe your sister likes me."

Mikhail groaned, "You came up with that all by yourself?"

"Do you mind undoing these binds?" Adamos gestured to the hands tied behind his back.



"Stop talking."

A loud rustle sounded outside the apartment's window and Mikhail's head whipped towards the sound, "What did you do?"

Adamos only smiled in reply.

A loud crash shook Mikhail to his core as he saw the broken glass fly towards him. A trio of rogues climb through the window, snarling at him.

Mikhail's jaw clenches as he regared the smirk on Adamos' face, "Fuck," with a grunt, Mikhail shifted into his wolf form, snarling at the intruders.

Mikhail watched as the first wolf took his shift as reinforcement, crashing their body against his. Mikhail grunted at the impact, baring his claws to tear through the rogue's flesh. He dug his claws into the juction of the rogue's neck.

The other wolves cirled Mikhail as they watched their partner's body go limp in Mikhail's grip. Mikhail stiffened as a soft click sounded, followed by the cold barrel of a gun against his head.

"Shift back."

With some reluctance, Mikhail shifted back into his human form. Amos gestured towards the rogues and they immediately bound Mikhail's hands, grabbing each arm.

Adamos looked down at Mikhail, holding the gun to his throat. Mikhail smirked, "I thought you needed our help."

Adamos grimanced, "Oh I do. I just found a better way to obtain it."

Mikhail's throat clenched as the wolves grabbed his hands, forcing him onto the ground. Adamos lowered the gun to his head, the cool hilt pressing against his forehead.



Shyla didn't waste a second to react.

She pulled down on the knife held in her attacker's hand, twisting under her arm to escape their hold. She held her attacker's arm behind their back and attempted to yank the dagger out of their grip. With a roar of definace from her attacker, Shyla was puched straight in the chest. She tumbled into the cold ground, her palms scraping against the rough cement. She snarled as she stood up, wiping her bloody hands up her arms. She swiftly flicked out her wrist to reveal a miniscule silver knife, and took a few paces back before circling her opponent.

Shyla breifly considered charming her opponent into submitting, but she quickly dismissed the idea. Her commands always took up too much of her energy and left her weak after. The last thing she wanted was to be in greater danger than she was before because her commands weren't working.

So as any same person would do, she stalled, "What do you want?"

Her attacker's hood briefly lifted high enough for Shyla to get a glimpse of her eyes, "There's a bounty on your head. You'll make me 100 000 Dima."

Shyla paused, recognizing the desperation that was peeking through her attacker's voice. Although they were being a bit of a jerk by attacking all of the sudden, Shyla understood what it was like to live with the constant worry of the money running out. Her face itched to morph into one of pity, but she schooled her features into an easy going smirk instead. If she revealed too much now, she would lose her edge, "I'm worth that much?"

Her attacker hissed, "Don't flatter yourself witch."

"Witch? That's a bit harsh, now isn't it?" As Shyla continued with the banter, she noticed the man exit the tavern.

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