Chapter III: Meeting Team 10

Start from the beginning

"Is it like the Yondaime and Nidaime's Hiraishin no Jutsu?" Pineapple asked me.

Wow. That's ironic. Guess he really is a Nara, figuring it out so quickly. Although anyone who knows how it works and hears what I said would figure it out as well, soooooo. Eh, whatever.

"Yup, in fact it IS the Hiraishin no Jutsu." I replied.

"There's no way! How would you even learn that? Especially as a kid!" Blondy asked, quite loudly might I add.

"My family knew the Nidaime," It felt wrong to refer to Otou-san as such, but I did anyway, "and he taught my great grandfather the technique, then, it was passed down to me. My father started teaching me chakra control before I could walk, that way I would be able to use it without killing myself. I've been using the actual technique since I was about ten." It felt gross, being able to make up this lie so easily, but I knew it was necessary if I wanted to keep my secret.

"Why would the Nidaime teach some random person nobody has ever heard of his technique?" Pineapple asked.

"I just know they helped the Senju during the warring states era, that was probably the reason, but I can't say for sure. I don't know much about my family history, apart from a few things. We don't even have a clan name. Besides, they all died in a fire a couple years ago, so I can't ask even if I wanted to." I said.

Great, now I have a fake family that knew Otou-san and his technique, and also happened to die in a fire. Lovely, I'm going to have to keep track of all this so that nobody finds out my lies.

"Oh, well your family must have been special then. Not trying to sound insensitive, but if they all knew the Hiraishin why couldn't they just teleport out?" Pineapple asked, continuing his interrogation.

The other three were just listening the whole time, not talking. You know what, it's starting to bother me that I don't know their names.

"I wasn't there, so I don't know. They were probably asleep or something. I don't like thinking about it. However, I do wish to know your names, you all know mine, but I've just been referring to you as Smoker, Pineapple, Blondy, and Chubby. It's starting to annoy me."

"Ugh, fine, whatever. I'm Shikamaru Nara."

"Asuma Sarutobi."

"I'm the beautiful Ino Yamanaka!"

"I'm Choji Akimichi."

"Alright, nice to meet you Asuma, Ino, Shikamaru, and Choji!"


The four of them just watched as I stretched and then sat down, probably a bit weirded out.

"So, we're gonna go back to training. You can stay or leave, whatever you wanna do." Asuma explained, rather awkwardly.

"Hm, oh sorry about that. I'll get going then, after all I sense something interesting over there." I said pointing to my five-o'clock.

They nodded and I Hiraishined to the nearest seal to the demonic chakra.

Turns out the seal was in the trees above where the kid with demonic chakra, and presumably, his team, were training. I concealed my chakra right away, but the jounin still looked around for a moment before shrugging and going back to instructing the three. I simply watched, it didn't seem like the kid had any ill-intent for Konoha, and he was obviously a genin of the village so he's fine in my books. Although his demonic chakra unnerves me, his normal chakra is like a sun, always warm and shining brightly. It was calming, in a way. Kinda like Yin and Yang.

"Alright, I'm getting tired of this. Why are you just watching us from the tree? Come down here and identify yourself." The jounin demanded.

'Ah, well, guess I didn't mask my chakra as well as I thought. Oops.'

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