The door opened again, her head turning to acknowledge the new stranger that entered the room.

Their footsteps didn't sound like loud heels, instead it sounded like the loud, firm taps of firm dress shoes, or good quality leather boots. You held your breath, looking up to the mirror to see who was the next stranger to approach.

A head full of grey hair came into view via reflection, causing you to bite your lip in shock, your shoulders stiffening.

Of course he would want to kidnap me.

It all seemed to click into place now.

"I apologize for this rather hasteful meeting," His deep, surprisingly smooth voice flooded your ears, catching you slightly off guard, "But it's been a meeting I've been looking forward to for a good while. I've been highly hoping to meet you (Y/N)."

You swallowed slowly, watching the woman step away slowly to allow the white haired man take her place. You slowly exhaled before looking over to meet his gaze.

Glenn Arias stared down at you, his rather lovely colored eyes held a strange kindness to them, combatting against the irony in your position. He looked prim and proper, his grey hair combed back neatly and his face shaved and clean. His dark grey jacket and vest over his dark wine red button up was pressed free of any wrinkles, making him appear professional enough for his business that you knew about from Chris. A prominent scar stretched across his left eye, cutting into his brow, confirming that he's held his fair share of chaos in his life.

If you were in entirely different circumstances, you would've found him to be handsome. But looks aside, you stared at him just like you would with any other black market dealer meddling with old Umbrella and Tricell business.

His gaze caught sight of your balled up fists, your wrists pressed up against the restraints as you were desperate to break free. As angry as you were to be in your vulnerable position, he took your anger to be almost humorous.

"I've heard a lot about you," he met your gaze again, attempting to keep a conversation you didn't want to be apart of, "(Y/N) (L/N), or in this case, (Y/N) Kennedy. A woman who took to be an agent at the age of nineteen, goes MIA for many years, only to show up delivering word that her blood combats against any form of disease or virus it comes into contact with. That... heavily interests me."

"Why's that?" You asked, slightly cringing at the sound of your voice. It made you realize how dry your throat was, causing your raspy words.

Glenn noticed this, causing him to look over to his female accomplice and raise a black gloved hand to gesture towards something. For a moment, your eyes went towards her as she turned away, approaching something that was out of view from the mirror. Her heels were accompanied by the sounds of a cabinet door opening, making you wonder what he ordered her to obtain.

"Well, you see here," Glenn returned his hand down on the counter, the warm material of his glove faintly brushing against your shoulder, "When you're in a line of work that specializes in creating mutagenic viruses to be sold for substantial profits, learning that their are people out there who could easily combat against all your hard work is.. threatening, so to say."

He looked over to his female partner, who held what looked like a bottle of water in one hand, and a straw in the other.

"Don't get me wrong," He grabbed the bottle and the straw, his words never faltering as he looked back at you, "I understand that this gift of your wasn't by choice. I've come across your files, it's a horrible thing to put a child through."

He slipped the straw through the open bottle, bringing it close to your lips. As much as the water he provided was tempting, you weren't in an exact position to trust what he did with the water. You kept your mouth shut, seeing him bring the straw close to your lips with his two fingers.

He noticed your stubborn denial to take a sip of water he offered you, his lips slightly curling into a small smile, "Now now my dear, you're in no position to choose if you want something done or not. If I was a cruel host, I would've never provided you something to drink in the first place."

His fingers kept the straw close, his gaze still stuck on yours as you contemplated his words. Although he was right in his words, it was almost no excuse to accept the offer and drink what he provided. Still, the more uncomfortable you got, the more painful your dry throat seemed to get, forcing you to kick yourself mentally.

You slowly parted your lips, feeling the warmth of his glove against your chin as the straw was placed on your tongue. You closed your lips around the straw, slowly sipping at the cool water that flooded your mouth and soothed your throat, making you relax temporarily.

Then it hit you, you knew at least a few  poisons that were undetectable in a liquid as simple as drinking water. So far, you detected no strange taste, no gritty or slick feeling either. But that's how the poison would get you.

You technically risked getting poisoned and killed just for a few sips of water, but a man like this wouldn't just kidnap you and poison you so easily and fast. Not unless their was something else he wanted from you first.

You released the straw by the time you felt like you drank half the bottle. When he returned the bottle to his partner, a faint glimpse of the water bottle's lack of contents confirmed your suspicions that you drank a fair amount.

"Feel better?" He asked, looking back to study your gaze. "I would hope so. Now, onto more pressing matters at hand. I want to know exactly what Chris Redfield discussed of me before we obtained you."

You frowned a bit, wondering in the back of your mind if he was kidding. "The same things the government knows, but I feel the CIA knows a bit more about their former agents, before they dropped a bomb at their wedding."

You detected a strain in his face, as if your words struck a nerve, just like you intended. He relaxed a bit, nodding slightly in confirmation.

"You're right," He agreed, "I get the feeling Redfield discussed quite a bit about me. He seems to hold grudges, dosen't he?"

"I suppose so, but why would it matter?" You asked, turning your head slightly as you felt your hair begin to stick to the back of your head, not to mention the feeling of your clothes beginning to constrict against your skin. "You hold grudges too, otherwise we wouldn't be in these positions."

"You're right again." Glenn slightly smiled, staring down at you as if something was striking humor to him.

You began to wonder what he was so focused on, but the faint tingle that erupted in your core caused your blood to run cold. You exhaled deeply, realizing why your clothes began to feel tighter on you. Your skin started to grow hot, beads of sweat forming along your brow.

You started to kick yourself harder mentally, your lungs starting to flood with the same warmth that began to develop into a sharp burn. You started taking quicker, more sharper breaths for air, feeling the burn spread out throughout your chest, forcing your eyes to close from the pain.

"This is what I was wanting to see," Glenn began to talk, focused on the way your arms and legs began to force against the cuff binds, "I don't deny the facts given in your files (Y/N), But I'm a more... visual man. I need to see what I'm dealing with before I can continue my further plans."

You squeezed your eyes closed, a broken cry escaping your open lips as you felt like your chest was on fire, the painful feeling slowly proceeding to spread towards your limbs. Your wrists proceeded to grow angry red marks from your attempts at pulling them from the cuffs. For the moment you could've cared less if the steel cut down past the skin and muscle and hit your bone, you just wanted the pain to stop, but it only proceeded to spread, all while Glenn watched with fixated eyes.

Unrequited Circumstances-Resident Evil Vendettaحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن