Chapter Seven.

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Okay, fast forward to the next day.

I woke up with a jolt, disoriented. I realized I had fallen asleep on the couch with Kate. She was on the couch, arms and legs stretched out wide. I noticed a string of drool by the corner of her mouth. I shook my head and screwed my eyes shut for some seconds to clear my vision.

 I stood up groggily and walked to switch off the TV. I fetched my phone and checked the time. It was still 3 AM.

"Kate," I mumbled tapping on her leg.

"Give me my ham," she mumured, stirring a bit before falling back to sleep.

I chuckled and went off to my room.



I was walking down the aisle, my dad by my side, my mum was among the congregation and she was smiling.


Someone was playing the piano and melodious hymns were soothing to the ears. I looked at the altar to see a faceless man.


I snapped my eyelids open and I squinted my eyes. Kate was hovering over me, arms crossed over her chest, giving me a look.

I groaned, "Good morning."

"What's good about the morning if it's seven-thirty," she said glaring at me.


"Belle, it's seven-thirty already, you're late."

"Holy crap!" I exclaimed, jumping off my bed and speeding off to the bathroom.

"No. No, no, no. Not again." I scolded myself in the bathroom. My subconscious was peering down at me from her nameless book. She looked at me from her reading glasses and tsked. I immediately shut her out and brushed my teeth.

After the quickest shower I've ever had, I wore a button-up shirt and Kate's grey skirt. Slipping into my flats, I tied my hair into a ponytail and rushed out.

"Bye Kate," I yelled.

"Bye!" She called out and I didn't bother to ask why she was still at home.

Why the heck are you rushing? Bossy Pants travelled, remember? My subconscious sneered at me.

"Just shut up.",I said out loud to myself. I earned raised brows from the cabman.

I arrived at TE and paid giving the cabman a twenty.

I jogged quickly and opened the glass door.

"Good morning miss," Joanna greeted me.

Joanna was the receptionist, that replaced Mrs. Red.

"Morning," I replied and hurried over to the elevator.

Just hope he's not around. My subconscious said with a scowl. She was slowly shaking her head from side to side. I'm disappointed. The second day of work and you're late, tsk, tsk. If you get fired, it's all your fault, and mum would be so disappointed.

"Shut up!" I said out loud.

I was running mad.

I ran my hands through my hair and sighed, silently praying that Mr. Bossy Pants is not around.

The elevator doors pinged open and I rushed to Susan.

"Hi. Is he in?"

"Yes, he came since and he's really pissed." Crap! "Where have you been? You should go see him. I wish you luck, girl." She patted my arm and I managed to muster a smile.

I hurried to Mr. Trevelyan's office and knocked.

No response.

I knocked again, a little harder this time.

Still no response.

I creaked the door open noisily, so he'll know I was coming in.

I was faced with Mr. Trevelyan, he was on the couch and he was looking through some files, jaw clenched. I stood frozen at the door, looking at the male Adonis on the couch. He wore a dark blue suit and he was as hot all the same.

"Miss. Greene." He said my name with so much warning that a little gasp escaped from my lips.

"Good M-Morning sir?" It came out more like a question, so, I cleared my throat and tried again "Good M-Morning Sir."

"What is suddenly good about the morning, Miss Greene?" He looked up at me and a shudder ran through me. Silence filled filled air. I opened my mouth to answer but he cut in. "That was rhetorical." His eyes were holding in anger. It suddenly felt chilly.

I shut my mouth only to open it again. I summoned up the courage and asked him, "How was Abu Dhabi, sir?"

My subconscious rolled her eyes
Way to go girl, she said sarcastically, You had better prepare a long ass speech for mum and Kate explaining why you got fired.

He raised his brows infinitesimally, clearly surprised at my outburst. Then, his brows went low and he started at me blankly. "Next time, Ms. Greene, I repeat, next time, if you ever come late to work, I shall deduct each second you waste, from your salary times ten," he said and his voice rang through the whole office. "Get me my coffee." He ordered.

I stood rooted to the spot. I swear, my limbs were frozen.

"Now!" He ordered and as if on cue, my limbs unfroze and I scurried out of his office.


I dropped his coffee on his table and spotted another coffee cup on his table, but it was still having coffee in it, I raised my brows at it and turned to leave.

"I haven't dismissed you yet," he said and my legs stopped walking and I turned to him.

"Here..." He handed me a paper." my email and my password. Take care of my emails. The relevant ones." With shaky hands, I took the paper from him and turned to leave. "You haven't been dismissed yet." He said warningly.

I rolled my eyes and turned to him again. "I'm sorry, sir."

He ignored me. "Handle all my phone calls and like I said, schedule all my meetings," he said and I nodded. "With words, Miss. Greene."

"Yes sir."

"Good. You may leave." He said and with that, I staggered out of his office.

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