Start from the beginning

"Well during that extra ten percent, I was kissing one of Dudley's friends and Seamus," Harry responded with a grin, waiting for the explosion from Ron.

It didn't take long. "SEAMUS?!" Ron shouted. "Dean, are you-"

"I dared them too," Dean responded with an evil grin. "We were drunk. You passed out."

"And Dudley's friend..." Ron looked pale and confused.

Harry shrugged. "Was experimenting." He grinned, leaning back. "I have it on good authority that I have a great ass."

This sent the group into raucous laughter, and Harry caught Malfoy's eye. The blonde was just staring at him, looking slightly confused.

"Harry, mate, are you-"

"Gay?" Harry finished Ron's question. "Nah, don't think so. I'm into girls and boys."

"Bisexual," Hermione added helpfully, and Harry pointed a finger gun at her in thanks. Malfoy was still fucking staring at him.

"Two," Dean said, continuing their earlier question, and Seamus grinned and repeated his boyfriend, much to the surprise of the others.

"One," Neville admitted. "Luna."

"Are y'all together?" Blaise asked, something like bitterness in his tone.

"No!" Neville replied quickly. "She just... I dunno, kissed me."

"We were talking about first kisses," Luna added. "And he mentioned that he had never had his, and I asked him if he wanted me to kiss him, and he said okay. So I kissed him. Then I gave him a-"

"OOOOKAY, LUNA!" Neville shouted loudly, causing more laughter throughout the group. Ginny was practically in tears, cracking up and burying her head in her girlfriend's shoulder.

"Zero," Blaise said coolly, leaning back and daring anyone to make fun of him.

"How?" Neville blurted out, staring at him with a bright red face. "You're so..."

"Slutty?" Blaise asked, raising one eyebrow.

"Gorgeous," Neville finished quietly. Blaise's mouth fell open, and Zacharias said "One", and the group moved on as Blaise continued to stare at a bright-red Neville.

"Three," Terry said sweetly, tangling his fingers together and looking a bit nervous. "Cho, Parvati, and L-Lavender." He choked over the last name, closing his eyes for a minute before breathing out and opening them. 

Malfoy thought for a moment before the Veritaserum got tired of his waiting too and "twenty-four," spilled out of his mouth.

"Damn," Luna muttered as the group shouted around her. "I thought I was gonna win."

"It wasn't a competition, Luna," Ginny comforted, patting her shoulder.

Malfoy leaned back similarly to Blaise, an unhappy look on his face. "Pansy, Astoria, Daphne, and then-" he paused for a second, the look on his face was replaced with a vengeful smirk, "-as many Muggle boys as I could to piss off my father as much as possible."

Cheers went up among the group, and Harry caught the blonde's eye once again, giving him a slight grin and tipping his glass toward him. Malfoy grinned back at him for the first time in Harry's entire life.

"Alright, I think we can safely say the Veritaserum is working," Hermione said. "Now, I suppose I just used my turn. Luna, I guess you're next. And everyone, just know that you get one bail, one dare you don't have to do or question you don't have to answer."

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