Chapter 32

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The Iwagakure ninjas were assembled near the Hokage Tower, readying themselves to complete their plan.

"Ready?" Kento looked at Isao who only nodded.

The black haired boy pulled out from his weapon pouch a bunch of explosive tags and prepared to set them in strategic spots.

"Tonight, you'll say bye-bye to this pathetic village, Lord Hokage." Isao muttered in a mocking tone while he launched the kunai with some other explosive tags attached to it.

The leader of the team made the signal and the aforementioned made a hand seal.

"Die." He smirked as he waited for the tags to explode, but he frowned when they didn't. "But what—?"

There was a girl standing over the big balcony at the tower. She stared down at them with a big smirk on her face. Hanako chuckled.

"Something must be wrong with your plan," she said, showing him the explosive tag she held in her hand. "To create a chain of explosives without wasting too much chakra you need to have a primer." She smirked evilly. Isao tightened his fists at her mocking tone. The rest of them only stared at her utterly confused.

"In what moment did she...?" Hanako concentrated her chakra in the hand she held the tag and it was slashed into two halves.

"I deactivated the explosion," she clarified. "The explosive tags are made of the paper from chakra bred trees. It reacts with the minimum sign of chakra, but generally it depends on the nature of the ninja. If I apply enough chakra, it will react to its nature leaving behind its explosive nature."

"So, that means you can also use wind?" Isao chuckled. "How fascinating!"

All the Iwagakure ninjas turned to look at him worriedly. They all knew about the info Shun had left them, but Isao was the only one who didn't want to believe it.

"Isao." His sensei hissed at him. "Do you remember what I told you yesterday?" Isao glared at him with narrowed eyes. He remembered it too well.

"I already told you it was a Jounin who caused that fire, there's no way this little brat could have done it." Hanako sighed when she heard him.

"I don't take Shun for the lying type—"

"He wasn't lying, just mistaken." Isao clarified.

"But he was right." Hanako butted in, calling the attention of the Iwa shinobi. "I was the one who caused that fire." She confirmed, taking in all the shocked expressions of the ninjas.

Hanako knew the moment she said it, there was no turning back. The Hokage had asked her to remain silent, but they had the right to know. All of them must've had a relative in that town that died on her fault. "If you're seeking revenge, I'm the one to blame not the Hokage nor the village." She tightened her hands into fists. Three Jounin and eight Genin with the strength of Chuunin, against one Genin. It wasn't going to be easy.

"I hate having you run from us like that." Hanako heard a voice say next to her, and she turned to find Shisui staring intently at the ninjas.

"I'm sorry," Hanako smiled softly. She was glad they had caught up to her. "I tend to be impulsive."

Shisui chuckled slightly upon hearing her. "Don't you think I already know that?" He looked at her for a moment. The rest of the team reached their location and pulled out their weapons.

"Oh? So you've brought backup, huh?" One of the Iwa Jounin murmured with a smirk. "Guess, we'll just have to kill you as well."

Hanako observed the ninjas in front of her. Everyone was in their stance, ready to fight; however, there was a certain Genin who called her attention. Isao looked back at her with an evil grin. "Last time we fought each other was in the Forest of Death," he said as he pulled a kunai from his pouch. "This time, I won't play around. I will use my full power with you. After seeing your match in the third test, I'm positive you can keep up with me."

A Lethal Weapon - ALW Saga Book 1 [REWRITE]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon