Chapter 29

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"You called for me, Fugaku-sama?" Shisui asked with questioning eyes. Fugaku sighed. He had summoned Shisui to his office in the Police Force building only hours before the final exam officially started.

"I'm sorry to bother you," he started saying. "But this is a matter of urgent importance." A frown appeared on Shisui's face. "Tekka notified me that a few days ago he found the seventh tatami of the shrine misplaced." He paled for a moment. "I had a hunch and sent him to the Uchiha Library..." Fugaku grew silent for a moment as he stared at Shisui. Panic grew inside him. "The transcript of the stone has gone missing."

Shisui's mouth dried.

"I know this has nothing to do with you, but..."

"You want to know if it was Hanako," Shisui muttered. Fugaku looked at him and nodded.

"She watched her father die, there is a high possibility Hanako has..."

"The Mangekyou..." Shisui finished for him as he leaned against the back of his chair.

"Yes," Fugaku breathed deeply. "Shisui, you and I are the only ones who know what this means."

"Well, it certainly means the rest of the clan cannot know." Shisui glowered at the leader.

"We don't know anything for sure," Fugaku continued. "But let's not take our chances."

"Hanako went missing a week ago," Shisui said.

"I know," Fugaku looked at the window. Shisui looked at him strangely.


"Itachi has been very concerned, he's not eating or resting properly. After you, he was the first to notice she was gone." He smiled slightly. "She really changed him, Hanako... Itachi has become more concerned in the clan this last month."

"He really wants to know how Hanako relates to Amane," Shisui said. "And besides that, the current situation with the shinobi from Iwagakure doesn't make it any easier." Fugaku looked at him. "Isao wants to kill Hanako, and Itachi's worried about that match."

"I'm certain Hanako will win, she's one of the most promising Uchiha I've ever seen." Even though Fugaku's words were filled with confidence, Shisui felt insecure.

* * *

Everyone was gathered in the Arena, waiting for the final rounds to begin. Almost all participants were assembled on the field. Shisui stood next to Itachi.

"Are you ready?" Shisui asked.

"Yes. Where's Hanako?" Itachi looked sideways at him.

"I don't know, she's been missing for the entire week. I expected you to know something." Shisui sighed. "I should have searched for her."

"I don't think that would have been necessary." Both boys heard a feminine voice and turned towards it. Hanako was giving them a calm smile.

"Hanako...where the hell were you?!" Shisui raised an eyebrow at the brunette, making her chuckle.

"I just wanted to take a walk before coming." She shrugged.

"You know very well what I mean," Shisui replied in an annoyed tone. "You missed each and every one of our trainings last week. Where were you?!"

"I just trained on my own. Don't worry about me, Shisui," she replied calmly with a roll of her eyes, but this only managed to anger him even more.

"You know what? I'd like to see your fight, especially since you decided that you could do just fine on your own!" he snapped and teleported to the bleachers, where everyone was watching.

A Lethal Weapon - ALW Saga Book 1 [REWRITE]Where stories live. Discover now