Chapter Two

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I opened the door tentatively and walked slowly into the house. Jenny was out with her mate Matthew and so I’d come home alone.

“Hello? Mrs Williams? Mr Williams? Alexander?” I called out.

I hate being’s a weird attribute I kind of adopted when my parents died.

“I told you to call me Maria,” Mrs Williams tutted as she walked into the hallway, “after seventeen years you’d think you’d get it.”

Her tone was light and joking even though she was scolding me which made me grin.

“Sorry Maria,” I said.

She rolled her eyes and shooed me into the living room with her hands.

“Go talk to Alexander,” she ordered.

I gulped but did as she said. Alex scared me, not because I thought he’d hurt me but because he evoked feelings in me that were daunting and strange.

“Angelica,” Alex sung from the porch and I stepped outside nervously.

He was leant against the wall, the bottom of his boot pressed against it, while he smoked. I watched as he blew out and a plume of smoke left his mouth, spiralling upwards.

“Hey,” I said quietly.

I was so nervous and shy around him it was actually painful.

“Hello Angel,” he said with his usual lazy smirk plastered to his handsome face.

I looked at the ground and kicked a pebble in agitation at not knowing what to say.

“Let’s talk about your any boyfriends in my absence?” there was a weird note to his voice, sort of angry and possessive it seemed.

“No,” I took a seat on one of the garden chairs and surveyed his dark expression curiously.

“Why’s that?” he inquired putting the cigarette out with the heel of his doc marten.

“Because they’re so....immature....they just want my virginity,” I said truthfully as I wrung my hands together in my lap.

“Good to see you’re still a virgin....wise choice to save yourself too,” he complimented.

He took a seat opposite me and fixed me with an intense gaze as if he was trying to see my soul.

“I want my first time to be special, not sleazy and just because I can you know?” I glanced over at him...big mistake.

I found myself getting lost in the swirling sea of blue that is his eyes and it made me suck in a deep breath.

“Your eyes are so pretty,” Alex said as he reached over and stroked my cheek gently.

“Thank you,” I managed to choke out feeling those strange emotions again.

“You’re welcome, see you at dinner,” and with that Alex was gone leaving me alone on the porch.

I sat down at the dinner table after having a brief argument over helping out with Maria which naturally I lost. I subtly looked around to find Mr Williams and Alex weren’t here and Jenny was on her phone texting. Maria set the plates in front of us then sat down with her own and we began to eat. Tonight it was chicken with a thick herb tomato sauce and cooked mushrooms. It was absolutely heavenly, like all Maria’s dinners...I swear I could just eat and eat if she’d let me.

“Where are Dad and Alex?” Jenny inquired with her mouth full of chicken.

I rolled my eyes and Maria gave her a disapproving look.

Tempting AngelicaOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora