Rich Blue and Fine Mist

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"You're taking her?!"

Marie-Fey thought Zaafira might blow the doors right off their hinges at the force she hurled them open as she blew into Marie-Fey's apartments the next morning.

Marie-Fey was stood at the window of her meeting rooms, holding Azeeza's diary entries, Zaydan stood beside her, arms folded and leaning his shoulder against the wall.

Marie-Fey didn't jump, but her mild mood did take a downturn as she flicked her eyes up to glare out of the window for a moment before turning to see Zaafira with her ladies racing to catch up, staring death glares at Maanah.

Maanah glared right back from where she'd been organising some of the books Marie-Fey had left lying around. Gharam stared at Zaafira, clutching the shawls she'd brought from laundry closer to her chest.

"What?" Marie-Fey asked, turning to her.

"You're only taking one lady with you and you choose her!?" Zaafira snarled, pointing at Maanah.

Maanah's glare turned vicious. "Why wouldn't she? I'm head of her staff, of course I would go!"

"She is dangerous, Marie-Fey!" Zaafira shouted and Maanah shoved the books she was holding into Gharam's arms, making to lunge at Zaafira.

Zaydan was by her side between blinks, grabbing her arms and hauling her back.

"Now ladies," he said, his smile strained as he shoved Maanah back over to Gharam, "This is hardly proper behaviour."

"Zaydan, you cannot let her go alone! Or at least send others with them!" Zaafira cried.

Zaydan strode over to her, taking her hand and dragging her back out of the room. "What is the matter with you?" he hissed as he went.

Marie-Fey watched them for a moment, then set the pages down and followed.

"My Lady," Maanah started.

"Stay," Marie-Fey ordered without looking and Maanah stopped, watching her leave with wide, panicked eyes. Marie-Fey swept out after the pair and followed as Zaydan pulled a hissing Zaafira down the hall. She snapped her fingers at Zaafira' maids and ordered them away. They hesitated for a moment, then left as Zaydan pushed Zaafira into one of the seating alcoves.

"What is wrong with you?" he said, staring at her.

"You really do not care for Maanah, do you?" Marie-Fey said coolly, sitting down to the left of the window, setting her elbow on the windowsill and her cheek on her knuckles.

Zaydan took a seat beside her, much closer than he should have, while Zaafira paced back and forth in the cramped quarters.

"Of course, I don't. That woman is hiding something! She's always been hiding something! Both of them! Gharam doesn't have the backbone to be a danger to anyone but I know she's hiding something as well."

"The most Gharam is hiding is that she's an informant for me," Zaydan and in the most nonchalant tone he could possibly manage and both ladies paused, then stared at him. He gave them his most placating smile that made Marie-Fey want to smack him.

"Excuse me?" she growled.

Zaydan held up his hands to ward off her aggression, then wrapped an arm around her shoulder. The move was unconscious, automatic and she felt his muscles stiffen around her as he realised his mistake.

Zaafira moved faster than him. The curtain that hung across the entrance to the alcove untucked with a single tug and fell into place, giving the illusion of privacy.

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