Fall of Fey

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Marie-Fey stopped at the words.

Sophia's arm tightened around hers instantly. "Fey, we can keep walking," she muttered.

Marie-Fey didn't answer, her gaze scanning the crowd ahead. She wasn't sure who she was looking for.

She wasn't looking for anyone.

She straightened her shoulders and turned, facing the group, Lady Lashby as the speaker. She was with Lady Rowe, Miss Damsil and Mrs Mayberry.

"Ladies," Marie-Fey said with an easy smile as if she hasn't noticed them – which she hadn't.

"Hello Marie-Fey," Miss Damsil said with her ever-present slightly nasal voice – Marie-Fey could never decide if it was quaint or infuriating. She spoke as softly as Gharam and Marie-Fey had wanted to hit Gharam back when they'd first met as well, and she didn't have a nasal voice... it was mostly infuriating. "We were wondering if you'd show up this evening."

"Why wouldn't I?" Marie-Fey asked easily.

Lady Lashby snorted a laugh, putting her fan to her lips.

"Is something funny, Lady Lashby?" Sophia asked in her sweetest growl and Lashby gave her a derisive look.

"Don't you have a fiancé to dance with?" she asked by way of dismissal.

"Don't you have a husband to dance with?" Sophia asked, "Or is he off dancing with the young Miss Reginald?"

That stab to the heart wiped the pugnacious smirk from Lashby's face and she looked ready to strike Sophia.

Marie-Fey eased Sophia behind her, stepping into Lashby's line of sight and smiling at her. "I take it you've been well, ladies?" she asked calmly.

Lashby looked at her.

"We've been well," Mrs Mayberry said politely – ever the most sensible, "We weren't sure you'd attend tonight after travelling. I'm sure you're tired."

"I'm quite recovered," Marie-Fey said.

"Did he come with you this time?" Lady Rowe asked and Marie-Fey slanted her eyes towards her.

Marie-Fey debating on playing dumb but it was an exercise in futility, they all knew who 'he' was and they'd get around to dragging the answer from her soon enough – even if they already knew the answer.

"Not this time," Marie-Fey said and the others started sniggering, snapping their fans into place to hide their laughter.

Marie-Fey felt Sophia surge forwards and she kept her back, eyes remaining locked on Lashby who was looking down at her like she'd successfully crushed an unpleasant insect that had been scuttling around her feet.

"Oh Marie-Fey," she said with a pitying sigh, "What is wrong with you?"

"It's tough having a husband who commands as much land as half this country," Marie-Fey said with a sigh of her own, "It leaves him so busy."

Lashby's eye twitched in annoyance at the mention of how successful Marie-Fey's husband was. It was little bit of an exaggeration in regard to how large her husband's state was, but not far off.

"Not as hard as having a husband who doesn't remember he has a wife," Miss Damsil muttered and that jolted Lashby back into action.

"Quite so, Miss Damsil. Can you image? Are you really so intolerable for a man to be around?"

Marie-Fey resisted rolling her eyes. It was like childhood bullying listening to them sometimes.

"He should have married Rosalia or Antoinette, least they're something to invest time in," Lady Rowe said softly, her voice surprisingly cool.

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