Behind The Eyes

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Marie-Fey noticed Maanah before Maanah realised she'd been spotted.

She was still in the parlour with Gharam.

Gharam had never touched a piano before and yet she was one of the fastest people Marie-Fey had ever seen pick up the scales. Within two hours, her delicate fingers flew up and down the keys without a single wrong note.

It was very impressive.

So, Marie-Fey played out a few basic, single-hand pieces for her then got up from the stool and stood by the side of the piano so Gharam had space and so Marie-Fey could watch her progress.

She wasn't sure when Maanah arrived, but her lady didn't announce her presence and Marie-Fey didn't register it when she realised she was there.

She kept her head down to focus on the keys and only looked in Maanah's direction through her lashes.

Maanah's expression was interesting.

It was dark – unimpressed perhaps? Or maybe plain old dislike.

And it was notably directed towards Marie-Fey.

She had seen that look once before, recently actually, the day Zaydan had arrived.

And possibly a few times before that, usually when she and Maanah had had a disagreement and she didn't think Marie-Fey was watching.

They hadn't had a disagreement though.

Her hand subconsciously drifted to her stomach as she dropped her eyes back to Gharam's hands.

And then she realised she was thinking back on the pain she'd experienced when he body had been rebelling against the whole poisoning episode.

She didn't let the thought continue any further and focused solely on the music as Gharam finished the last little segment.

"Well done. Very pleasing to the ear. You're a natural," Marie-Fey said, straightening and openly directly her attention to Maanah.

Maanah's expression was smooth and impassive, as it usually was, not a negative emotion in sight.

"Hello Maanah," Marie-Fey said as Gharam rushed to her feet.

"Maanah, did you hear?" Gharam said, excitedly, spinning towards her, "Is it not the prettiest instrument?"

"I heard, you're very talented," Maanah replied, and meant it, smiling at Gharam.

Gharam curtsied to Marie-Fey then beckoned Maanah over so she could demonstrate just how fast her fingers could fly through the scales.

Maanah smiled again, humouring Gharam for a moment, before turning to Marie-Fey.

She now looked concerned.

"You have something to tell me," Marie-Fey observed simply, taking a seat and gesturing to the tea set that had been put out.

Maanah nodded as she set about making a fresh cup.

"It's Zaafira."

"And what is she up to now?"

"She's talking about travelling to your homeland with you."

"Indeed? I didn't think she'd take up the offer."

Maanah looked at her, more concerned that ever. "Do you really want to bring that woman with you?"

"Lord no, what a bane upon my patience. But I invited her, so if she wishes to accompany me, she's welcome to."

"My Lady, I don't think it's a good idea. What if she does something to you?"

"You believe she's behind the poisoning?'

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