Storytellers (6)

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Kilan Denny swung around the corner to stop in the doorway, his dark hair flaring around his head as his eyes shone, his smile blazing as Marie-Fey shot to her feet.

"I can't believe it," she gasped, stunned as she dashed towards him, throwing her arms around him as he grinned and squeezed her tightly.

"How are you?" he asked into her hair.

"I've been better," she muttered, and she felt his tiny nod before they drew apart and turned back to the crowd who were watching them.

Kilan bowed low to The King and Queen, then bowed to Zaydan before following Marie-Fey and taking a seat on her other side to Zaydan, who watched Kilan with a confused look.

"I had no idea you would be visiting the capital, I would have stayed in the palace to greet you," Kilan said as he was poured a drink.

"I took everyone by surprise with my arrival. I had no idea you were even in the country or I would have insisted on meeting you," Marie-Fey said, before looking towards the doors he'd walked through then back to him. "Briar isn't with you?"

Kilan gave her a bright smile that didn't hide his sad eyes if one knew him well enough. "We're not travelling together," he said, "She's with Carlos now, I haven't seen her in six months."

Marie-Fey gave him a sympathetic smile and squeezed his hand. "That's such a long time."

"But I'll be meeting up with her soon enough, we're travelling home to visit the others shortly," Kilan said with renewed brightness, right before Zaydan gently coughed.

Marie-Fey looked at him and he gave her a questioning look, glancing at Kilan.

"Sorry," she said, smiling at him then pointing at Kilan. "This is Kilan Denny. He's a Storyteller and... how to describe him? He's basically another brother."

"Another one?" Zaydan said, mock horror in his voice and Kilan snorted.

"You've met the rest?" he asked.

"We've met," Zaydan replied.

"Zaydan joined me back at the family home over winter," Marie-Fey explained, "He met Val, Con, Bel, Luka and Braydon then. He didn't meet Grey but—"

"That's not a bad thing," Kilan said and they snorted with laughter. "Grey is from Braydon and Luka's side of the family and he's... boisterous," he explained at Zaydan's look. "It's a bit like meeting a whirlwind. How did you find the rest of the family?"

"It was an experience."

"Then Grey would have doubled that."

"Zaydan and Beldon spent most of the visit infuriating each other and it was fantastic seeing that little blond monster getting riled up," Marie-Fey said and Kilan started cackling at the idea.

"Anything to shake his unshakeable feathers," Kilan grinned.

"But forget them for now," Marie-Fey said, "Why are you here? Why didn't you let me know you were in the country?"

"I did," Kilan said with a laugh, momentarily effortlessly switching back and forth between languages, "But that message won't be arriving for another few days so we would have completely missed each other if His Majesty hadn't been good enough to send word to me of you being here." He bowed his head to The Sultan as he spoke before looking back to Marie-Fey. "I've been doing what I always do, collecting stories."

Marie-Fey nodded, then glanced to the bag he'd carried in with him, set carefully aside on the grass. Inside would be his storybook, two ink pots and three quills – like always.

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