Count Down (8)

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Marie-Fey blinked, taking in Kilan's words for a moment before shaking her head. "What?" she said.

"Those dead women. Their clothes. They came from different cultures, different time periods, centuries between one dress and another?"


"And Lord Zaydan asked this ghost to confirm which mother she was referring to. This goes beyond our lifetime, Marie. This has been happening for much longer than Lord Zahir's current span at life. Those women died a lifetime ago, dozens of lifetimes ago. I don't know who Lord Zahir is or what he's doing, but he has been doing this time and time again. Lord Zaydan has been alive time and time again alongside him. Some of those women back home in your palace, some of them have probably lived through this time and time again. Not as victims to his murder, but victims to the loop where he comes back, in different families, different cultures, different centuries. I'm speculating, yes, but I will bet you my Collection this isn't his first life and, unless Lady Shala knows something about your role in his fate that we don't, this won't be his last."

Marie-Fey gaped at him. "B— but he... what? What do we do?"

"I need to think. I'm guessing. I'm putting the story together as best as I know how. So, first—"

"Lady Rais."

The voice from the doors turned their attention to a servant bowing low to them.

"What?" Marie-Fey snapped.

"Pardon to intrusion, My Lady," the maid said, "Lord Rais has requested your presence at a private dinner. I have come to collect you, so that you have time to get ready."

"Private? Just the two of us?" Marie-Fey said, suddenly horrified by the idea.

"I believe so?"

Marie-Fey spun to Kilan and he stopped her words by pressing the key into her hand.

"You need to attend this dinner," he said, his voice low. "You need to see what you can learn. Take the subtle or the direct approach, I don't care, but you need to get more information from him. Share what I have speculated with you, fish for information, watch his reaction. This is no different from court. No different from the women's palace. It's an information game."

"I don't feel remotely ready for this," Marie-Fey muttered as Kilan rose and helped her stand.

"You're more ready than you realise, trust me," Kilan said. "I'll be around when you finish. Call for me whenever you want. I will stay in the palace until you leave the capital. We'll dissect what he tells you together. I will help you figure this out."

Marie-Fey grimaced, looking down at the key in her hand.

"Remember, Marie, do not be scared of him," Kilan said and Marie-Fey gave him an incredulous look. "Don't forget your importance in this world, do not fear him yet, not tonight."

"That is easier said than done," Marie-Fey said, frowning, looking down again.

"I know, but Marie-Fey don't forget."

Kilan gently took her hand as he spoke, squeezing tightly.

"He may be a fairytale, but you are a legend."

Marie-Fey looked up and Kilan smiled at her, then released her hands, stepped back and bowed.

She released a breath, then swept out, tucking the key away and returning to her rooms to dress for dinner.


You stand before the doors of hell and you have no idea of the devil within.

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