A truth revealed:Birth of Heavenly Twins

Start from the beginning

The Fates stepped forward and turned to Aiolos "You Aiolos can now make your fathers wish come true. Your group will be called the Knights of the Zodiac and each one will be gods in their own way" the Fates said unison. Turning to Athena they said "You Athena shall help your brother with the Knights as their second patron where they shall ensure peace on earth". When they were done the Fates flashed out with their mother. 

7 hours later

Aiolos was standing in his Temple that was a gift from his father Michael when he felt it. An unwelcome presence. "Who's there?" Aiolos called. No response. "Don't bother trying to hide your self I know you are there"  Aiolos called again. "he he, never thought I would see the day when I would be able to fight one of Aurora's children" the voice said before revealing him self as Ares God of War. "Ares what are you doing here?" Aiolos said. Ares was surprised that the new god new who he was, but didn't show it. "I'm here to kill your sister. Because of her I am only allowed to cause wars when its necessary as she now decides when wars will end as the new goddess of war" growled the war god before attacking the young god. 

"You won't get to her War God" Aiolos said.  Reading his Sagittarius bow he fired an arrow at the war god bringing him to his knees. "Ugh, YOU STUPID CORPSE BREATH WORM. I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU" bellowed the bleeding Ares. Getting up the two gods circled one another before Ares throwing a punch. Being the God of Combat Aiolos automatically knew every form of combat whether with weapons or hand to hand. However because Aiolos's immortality hasn't kicked in he was only a mortal thus lacking the stamina that Ares has. 

Ares, seeing Aiolos tiring mentally grinned. Giving one last punch in the stomach, Aiolos crumbled to the ground gasping in pain. "So this is the mighty strength of the children of Aurora. Pity and here I thought a child of a primordial could give me a challenge. You know once I have killed you and your sister,maybe I can kill your other siblings afterwards and who knows. Maybe Aurora himself" Ares said grinning evilly.

 Aiolos spat out blood at the war god. "My sister will kill you war god. As many times as it takes. You will never ever, try to destroy the humans. My fathers creations are to be kept alone. One day I will return. Those that stand with you will fall"  he said. "Hehe we shall see" Ares said but deep down he was scared, knowing that what he said could possibly be true. Raising his sword Ares severed the head of the new god before flashing to Olympus for the summer solstice meeting. 


The Olympian meeting was boring to say the least. All the gods did was bicker. Only Hestia was silent often sneaking glances at Ares's direction knowing what he did. She was secretly preparing herself when Aurora will make his appearance. She didn't have to wait long. The Fates flashed in and glared at the war god "AURORA HAS ARRIVED" they shouted before disappearing. The sky darkened, and lightning flashed. Down below the earth trembled and split opened. Tornadoes ravaged   farmlands destroying crops. Twisters of fire burned the forest. 

Hurricanes raged on the coast. On the island of Theia the volcano burst opened ripping the island in half. A mega tsunami sunk the city of Atlantis down to the bottom of the ocean never to be seen again. Its people however were spared and grew fish tales and the ability to breathe underwater.  The gods were stunned, all around them chaos raged on the earth all because of the one primordial that the older generation of primordials feared and were told not to anger him. 

Aurora appeared in the throne room . Gone was the primordial of weather. Here and now, the gods were witnessing the primordial of natural disasters. "Mi-mi-milord its an honor to have you in our presence"  stuttered a fearful Zeus. "The six children of Kronos and Rhea stay, the rest get THE FUCK OUT" the last part was yelled at. "Who are you to order us around. You are in the presence of gods boy" Artemis sneered. Aurora just answered her by blasting her with lightning to which she flew out of her chair and on the cold hard floor. "IF YOU VALUE YOUR LIFE PHOEBE ARTEMIS, YOU WILL DO AS YOU ARE TOLD" Aurora said enraged at the amount of disrespect he has received. All the gods minus the ones that were told to stay, flashed out. Aurora calmed down slightly but it wasn't much. "What I am about to tell you does not leave this room. And do not interrupt me. Understood" Aurora said. The gods nodded. 

"Earlier I had twin children named Aiolos and Athena. Aiolos was in his temple when Ares arrived on sacred ground which is forbidden. The two fought. Since his immortality hadn't kicked in he was mortal. Ares killed him. My son. Now he will wage war. I want you to keep her safe from her as I am far to busy with other duties. Zeus will tell the other gods that Athena is your own child. Ares wishes to enslave humanity while my daughter wishes to save it. Every 200 years they will reincarnate to fight for the souls of the humans. When not fighting Athena will be on Olympus" Aurora said. He didn't tell them what other duties he has, but accepted non the less. 

Aurora flashed out and flashed back in seconds later with Athena. "This is my daughter Athena Goddess of  Wisdom, Knowledge,Crafts, Battle Strategy, Day, Protection,Cosmic Order,Astrology,Cosmic Energy,and the Astral Plane" he introduced. "Only reveal  her domains f Wisdom,Knowledge,Crafts,and Battle Strategy" Aurora instructed before planting a kiss on his daughters flashing out with a clap of thunder. 

The other Olympians arrived back in the throne room. When Ares saw her he grinned but a warning glare from Hera told him to back down. "This is my daughter Athena, Goddess of Wisdom, Knowledge,Crafts, Battle Strategy" Zeus declared. All the gods bowed to the new Olympian. 


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