Chapter 2: The ephemeral bliss

Start from the beginning

Hermione settled into a comfortable routine in the dying days of January. Freed from her duties with MI-7 until further notice, she passed her days with Mrs Hudson, drinking tea and reading, and her evenings keeping track of John's movements: 'at home', 'meeting the therapist', 'engaged in conversation', 'still no job'. While Mrs Hudson was lenient with John's mourning process, Hermione wasn't sure if he had any savings left from when he served as an army medic or what the job situation was like—something she should discuss with Mycroft soon.

However, there were signs that John was on his way to recovery—like agreeing to rent out a room for the first one. His attitude changed over time and his tension dissipated. Certainly, in the beginning, there were hiccups like when Hermione sat on the black leather armchair by the fireplace and John had retreated to his bedroom, or when she took the spot where Sherlock's microscope used to be and he spent a couple of days teary-eyed. But now, nothing seemed to bother him too much—not even her Sherlock's door opening and closing when he was there.

Regent's Park was Baker Street's greatest asset, so Hermione went for long runs through it enjoying the scenery —a vast difference from the small park near her previous place. As she jogged by the lake, her headphones suddenly began ringing, forcing her to a stop, panting. She accepted the call right away.



"Hello to you too, darling," came the reply from a deep voice on the other end. A grin spread across Hermione's face. "Have I caught you in the middle of something fun?"

"Just out for a run, nothing else exciting going on, Sirius."

"That's too bad pup! You're too young for that," Sirius said. "Mycroft tells me you've moved west recently."

"Probably the best job I've done for Mycroft so far. Is he back yet?" She reached the exit of the park by Clarence Terrace and spotted John entering number 221 on Baker Street. "Have you heard from him?"

"From his Illuminati summit? Not yet, will be soon, probably today or tomorrow. That's not why I'm calling though. Are you free tomorrow evening? I'd like to take my favourite girl out for an extravagant dinner so she can tell me all about this John Watson lad."

"Yes, tomorrow sounds good."

"Perfect. Gotta go, pup. Love you."

"Love you too."

Later that day, she had just planned to have a nice bath and a cup of tea when John told her 'Mike' was calling. Wearing her robe with her hair still covered in a towel, she entered the kitchen and started the kettle before picking up the phone with an amused smirk.

"Hi, Mike. You're back already?" said Hermione, leaning against the counter and taking two fresh tea bags from the tin where they kept them.

"Can't you go elsewhere?" Mycroft's voice sounded tired and annoyed-just how she liked him when she wanted to have some fun at his expense. "You know I abhor that name." Hermione poured the hot water while stifling her laugh.

"I know. Wait, I was making some tea for John and me."

"For God's sake, Hermione." came Mycroft's exasperated reply. She could almost picture him in his office, cufflinks discarded on the desk, expensive suit creased from the flight, and carrying an exasperated facial expression and fingers stapled over his closed eyes.

"I did tell you about John, didn't I? My new flatmate?" Holding a cup of tea in one hand and covering the receiver with her palm, she added to John, "I'm going to talk in my room so you can carry on reading, okay?" She heard John thanking her for the tea and she winked at him before going to her room and shutting the door."What were you saying, Mike?"

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