Chapter 27: The Final Problem, Part 2

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TW: Comments about abortion

'Sirius has been to Sherrinford?'

Lady Smallwood nodded. 'Once, as far as I know. Not long after he joined, at Mycroft's request.' The older woman let out a very uncharacteristic scoff. 'There was a time when decisions about Sherrinford had to go through a committee. One of the first things Mycroft changed as soon as he could. Sherrinford was his to control and decide over, and that included who knew of it and who visited.' Smallwood pursed her lips before leaning towards her. 'Was Sirius who told you to look into Sherrinford?'

'No,' replied Hermione. She could only imagine the consequences revealing Ultra classified secrets could have for Sirius. And although the animagus had steered her in the right direction, neither name had left his lips when he suggested looking into Rudolf Holmes' file. 'Sirius never told me anything about Sherrinford or Eurus Holmes. But I hardly think that's a priority at the moment.'

Lady Smallwood reclined back into her seat and seemed to contemplate her options. She absentmindedly tapped on the table with one earring, the rhythm becoming more ominous each passing second. Hermione bit the inside of her cheek to stop herself from talking. They were wasting precious time fussing over stupid bureaucracy, but she needed Alicia on board if she wanted to get them back. Suddenly, the noise stopped.

'The cleaning procedure Rudolf put in place was clear, and it should have begun hours ago. But my duty is not with Rudolf or MI6; it's with England.' As she was saying it, Alicia reached for the box and took the phone out. Then, she started dialling a long string of numbers. Hermione took a few moments to react, thinking the other woman was about to give the signal to burn Sherrinford to the ground. 'And the best way of protecting England will always be whatever protects Mycroft Holmes. Padfoot, your presence is urgently required at the Bunker. Report immediately.'

Red light bathed the small cell. On the screen, Moriarty was clicking his tongue, mimicking a clock's ticking noise, the volume loud enough to get into Sherlock's brain and not letting him think. In front of him, the Governor had a gun in his shaking hands. He frantically pointed to Sherlock, then towards somewhere between John and Mycroft, and back to Sherlock.

'Mr Holmes. Are you married? Do you have someone you care about? What would you give to protect them?' The Governor asked. Sherlock did not answer. In a split of a second, he moved the gun and put the barrel under his jaw. 'Remember me.'

All three of them rushed towards the Governor, but he pulled the trigger before they had even taken a step. A resounding exclamation coming from no one, in particular, was drowned by the bang echoing around the room, followed by the bullet shell clicking on the floor. Sherlock's eyes were fixed on the rivulets of blood trickling down the glass. To his left, John was breathing heavily, clenching and unclenching both hands while Mycroft had braced one hand against the concrete wall.

But there was no time for thinking what tortures were awaiting them. Eurus was talking again.

As soon as Alicia hung the phone up, she stood up and went to the cabinet to her right. She pushed her thumb against the lock of one of the drawers and then took yet another small wooden box from inside. She opened it. Hermione sensed small traces of magic coming from the object.

'What is that?'

'I need to activate the apparition point,' answered Lady Smallwood. Hermione saw a small mechanism inside. Alicia flicked the switch.

'I thought it was impossible to apparate here.'

'We had a situation some years back. Mycroft and Sirius convinced the rest of us to have at least an apparition point. But we can activate it when needed, and only in emergencies.' Lady Smallwood went back to her chair, with the box still in her hands.

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