Chapter 14

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This chapter is mainly in Brax's point of view unless stated otherwise and is based on after the phone call from Max and up to the meeting they had arranged.

As I got off the phone to Max I looked over to right where Bren and Brett was and explained that I had arrange to meet Max who was recommended by our Lunar Angel and his brother Axel who has become friends with Brett since we moved here. Bren and I seem to get on really well with Sage, Jett and Ben which is good because we always were treated like outcasts from our old den hence one of the reasons we left. To be honest quite a lot of us from our old pack have joined the Moon Valley Pack because we are treated equally no matter who we are even if we have a past demons no one judges. I know something happened to Bren but he would never tell Brett and I why he was adamant he did not want be alpha of our old pack or why he started drinking the way he did before we moved here. Anyway back to now I could feel my bear getting anxious. So I decided to take a break from the shop and go to the woods near the pack house so I could shift. I mindlinked the warriors that were on petrol, before shifting into my bear as I did not want to scare anyone. I only have shifted a few times in the since we have been here and I did not want to scare anyone especially any new pack members. You see I am not a normal size bear. When I shift I am actually a black grizzly with silver markings and probably weigh about 620lbs instead of my human weight of 240lbs also when I am in bear form and walking on all fours I am actually taller than my normal human 6"5 by over two feet. As I finally shifted I let my bear Rio take over so he can let loose and run to the point we finally stop at the lake at the back of the woods to have a drink and a quick dip being careful as there are other shifters in the water. I already met Kent who is a merman that lives with his mate Jenkins near to the lake. They are quite cool they left their kingdom under the sea many years ago due to the fact the king of the seas does not like same sex mating's. They had to leave their kingdom otherwise they would have been forced to mate with a female and their bond would have to been separated forcefully buy a sea witch. So they left and both were exiled from their kingdoms, which suited them both as they wanted to explore the world and to be together. Thanks to the magic of Moon Valley they were able to find a place they could finally be together and be able to still shift when they wanted to swim in their other form. As I finished playing in the water and talking to them through the pack link I said good bye and went back to where I put my clothes so I could shift back and put them on. Fifteen minutes later I was back in my flat having a shower and getting ready for my meeting with Max.

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