Chapter 3

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Trigger warning this chapter includes not only abuse but also mention of rape. Please be warned.........

Max's POV

After Dan found me in the bathroom he took me to the nurse's office and protected me from alpha Mace, since that day he has been protecting me and my friends making sure nothing happens to  us he also told me if I ever wanted to leave the pack I could join his pack or he had contacts of other packs in the USA that I could join if I want to leave. I explained that once I was 18 which was only a few months away I would leave as soon as school would finish.

4 months later

Today is the alphas birthday and since I am the only male omega in the pack, I have to clean, cook and plan the whole party meaning that I can't go to school and that I can't see Dan. As I already had my birthday my plan is to leave tomorrow after breakfast. I had briefly spoken to Dan and told him I plan to make my way to Arizona as I have heard of a new pack that accepted any shifters. I had already told Ross and Jay that I was planning to leave. They already said they would follow me in a few weeks as they had to wait until they were 18. Though they were happy in their pack they wanted to stay with me. Ross said he would drive down once they had their birthday and I was settled.

Anyway right now I have to stay at the pack house and do everything by myself, and after I'm done with it I'm going to have to stay I my room since I'm not worthy enough for the party.

Mace's POV

Few hours later

Today I finally get to meet my mate and future Luna of the pack, I will also be able to take over as Alpha which I cannot wait to. I keep imagining my mate being a brunette with blue eyes, but it does not matter what she looks like I will still love her. Usually the wolf can smell their mate before us humans can. Now I am 18 I can smell my mate and they are currently in the basement

Even though I am a little bit drunk I can still manage to go down the stairs, into the basement without falling, once I open the door, I notice a small feminine silhouette under the covers of what seems to be a very fragile bed, The room is extremely small and her body is shaking because of how cold her room is.

As a come closer to her, I also notice some other features about her, like how her bangs cover her eyes and her red lips that seemed to just ask for me to kiss her

After a few minutes of admiring her, I couldn't resist her any more

Skipping to the next morning

When I woke up, the first thing that i noticed was a small shaking body next to me and how that body just seemed to want to get away from me

As I started to remember what had happened yesterday, I suddenly remembered that I had slept with my mate, making me hold her tighter, only then I notice the tear stains on her pillow.

As I turned her around so I could see her face, I was furious when I noticed that the omega had taken her place, punching him out of the bed and throwing him to the floor I also noticed a small puddle of blood where he had been laying, making me think of the horrible things he could done to my mate

But before I could do anything, he started crying; only making me angrier

"Why are you crying, you were the one who did horrible things to my mate" I growled at him, but that only seemed to make him mad.

"I AM THE ONE WHO DID HORRIBLE THINGS TO HIS MATE?" He screamed as his voice cracked "you and your friends had made my life miserable since the day my parents killed themselves, the day of their funeral YOU made sure that I couldn't walk or move at all so I wouldn't try to go to their funeral, every day I have to wake you up and every day you punch me even though I am doing it because the alpha told me" his voice cracked and turned into a whisper " and yesterday... you barged into my room and started kissing me without listening me, telling you to stop, then you ripped my clothes off and raped me."

After he said those words I could only shake my head, not wanting to believe that the omega was my mate, but after everything he told me and finally noticing his delicious scent, I couldn't deny it. I could heqr my wolf in my head crying and shouting at me.

But before I could do anything he started crying and shaking as his eyes rolled to the back of his head

As I tried to move closer to him, he only cried harder and whispered "stay away from me." Before I could say or do anything he said the words that I could not believe I was hearing "I reject you Alpha Mace as my Mate."

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