Chapter 4

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                                                       Chapter 4

Max's POV

I tried so hard the night before to stop Mace from raping me but he would not listen to me. It was almost like he was fighting with his wolf. The truth is I knew he was my mate a couple of months ago when I turned 18 but changed my mind of leaving then, because I wanted to see his reaction but also wanted to get the rejection over and done with so I could move on and hopefully get a second chance mate once I left the pack.

I managed to close my eyes for a little while due to crying so much but as I woke up I could still smell him. Meaning that he is still in the room, and I'm not scared, even though he bullied me and raped me. I know what I have to do and to be honest I am sad as I always thought once I would find my soul mate I would get my happy ending. As I said the dreaded words "I reject you Alpha Mace as my mate and alpha." I could feel my body getting heavier and my eyes started to close.

A few hours later

I eventually re opened my eyes and noticed my surroundings; I was in a hospital room and alpha Mace was sleeping next to me.

After trying to stand up and failing miserably, I finally woke Alpha Mace up, which at first I was scared to do so, but we are in a hospital and I don't think he would beat me up when there is a chance of him getting caught.

As he woke up,   Mace's immediate response was to growl to which I responded with a whimper showing submission, after that little exchange he stood up and walked out of the room without saying a word to me.

When the door opened again a few minutes later I was expecting to see Mace again but instead it was a nurse who helped me to get up and go to the bathroom and then get back to bed before checking my vitals and leaving.

A while later the doctor came in and explained due to me rejecting my mate and how weak I am my body overloaded and could not cope with the stress.

After the doctor left I started to fall back asleep but before I could fully go to sleep I was woken up by the loud sound of the door closing and angry footsteps, when I opened my eyes, I was met with alpha Mace's icy blue eyes that seemed to be full of hate and disgust, he then slapped me

"You fucking freak, I wished you died after rejecting me but oh no you couldn't could you" he said as my eyes filled with tears

"And to think that the moon goddess tried to pair me with a THING like you" he said while staring at me straight in the eyes "but it doesn't matter anymore because I'm going to mate with a strong alpha female that will be worthy of carrying the next alpha of this pack, unlike you, who would probably carry a weak omega, a disgrace to humanity and something that doesn't deserve to be alive, just like you" he said.

As I thought he had finished talking he turned round and said "I Mace Jenkins Alpha of Lakeside accept your rejection and exile you from the pack. You have two hours to leave the pack lands before I hunt you down and kill you."

I looked at him and said "good I was going to leave anyway just waiting for us to reject each other so I can leave this shit hole of a pack."

As he left I managed to get up from my bed and quickly made my way to my room and grabbed the little stuff I had. As I was leaving the pack house everyone looked at me with disgust and hatred in their eyes but before I left I turned round to them all and said "Fuck you all and hope you get what you all deserve."

As I was leaving the pack lands I could feel my pack link breaking. My wolf Levi said to me" Max don't worry we will get the second chance of happeniess as we deserve." "I know." I replied before quickly ringing Dan and Ross to tell them what happened and that I was now heading to Arizona. I was lucky as i managed to gather some money to help me get to where I planned to go. Dan said he would pay for me to fly there but I declined it offer as I wanted to take my time and travel as I never travelled before. 

My Omega's Broken HeartTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang