2. anger

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for anyone
i get that when you're mad, then you're mad.
i get that. i understand. i've been there. my own solution would be to physically shove everything in my way to harshly sit down at my desk and forcibly let it all out on a sheet of paper.
or if i'm aggressive enough, i'll tear a few used scrap papers or a diary page.
"are you sure you're ok" yes i'm as ok as i can be by myself, now leave me alone so i can continue my shit.

i don't know how anyone would see this as but i think it's at least not hurting others. at least my loved ones and anyone at all in my way would not be affected.

i see it as my problems can only be solved by myself

some people naturally require company and that is also understandable because my loved ones do, and i do try my best to help too.

other people recklessly slap and shove their temporary anger into someone else - anyone else - whoever seems to be close or anyone to be in contact with after a bad incident

they then release that anger into that person by harsh words of annoyance or irritation of their own problem
they don't sit and reflect on what to do
they just do what seems to let it out
if you have enough self discipline (i admit i'm still working on mine) you might be able to rationally sit down and think of solutions that can help everybody and especially yourself as you would learn a thing or two from your behaviors and how it might affect others.
or you just don't care

then what the hell are you
what the hell is humanity if all we do is exert that anger onto literally the next person you talk to? makes you feel better to crush someone's day and reputation doesn't it? most likely. you let out your anger - you feel better and relieved.
can i blame you for it . no i can't

you were frustrated you needed an outlet and i was right there, take a step , take another step closer and do it. insult me
is it that tempting
i'm at fault either way
why was i there, anyone could've been there
why did i exist to be there
i'm not favored
i'm not special
i'm too little
i'm not any good at all ain't i
what's wrong with me
what's wrong with me
what's wrong with me
what's wrong with me
what's wrong with me
what's wrong with me
what's wrong with me

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