You felt the heated ball in your throat burst, forcing you to stutter and crumble your words as you spoke to Rebecca. Three months is never even able to compare to nine years. For three months, you were left alone with many sleepless nights, hoarding over your phone to get a single response from Leon.

But Leon, Leon was left alone for nine years. Not only was he left alone with sleepless nights, he was left with grief, with anger over not being able to save you, and with depression, wishing himself that he could've died on the island with you in Spain.

With this in thought, you were left with a horrid cloud of guilt knowing that you hurt the one man you loved so horribly. How he was able to forgive you and propose to you was a burning question that engraved in your mind. But then you asked yourself:

Has he really forgiven me?

"I wouldn't think of it too much right now," Rebecca gently stated with a squeeze of your elbow, looking at you with her kind eyes full of understanding, "He's just drunk. Alcohol clouds the mind, it makes them say horrible things while their minds are unable to comprehend what they say or do. You can be angry with him all you want for what he said now, but let him sober up and explain himself later."

You blinked, not realizing your tears had fallen during her speech. You cleared your throat, bringing a hand to wipe at one of your tear stained cheeks.

"Yeah," you agreed, nodding your head to show your approval, "You're right. I'm probably getting ahead of myself."

"You have a right to think this way," Rebecca let go of your elbow, "No one's stopping you from it, but let him explain first before you decide to kill him."

A chuckle escaped your lips, your eyes closing as you nodded again. "Right." You agreed, looking back at her. "Thanks for listening, even though you didn't have to."

"Don't worry," Rebecca shrugged, "Girl talk is girl talk, I may never understand what you're feeling, but I hope it helps a little. You gonna be alright heading out?"

"I'm not sure," you wiped your other cheek, taking a deep breath as you took a moment to think. "I'll need a moment. I don't think I can go out looking like this."

"Alright," Rebecca agreed, bringing her hands gently on your arms, "Well, I'll let you have that moment, take as long as you need. You don't have to go to the table if you don't want to, you can go straight outside. If Leon tries anything, I'll get Chris on his ass."

You smiled some more, seeing Rebecca return with a smile of her own.

A faint creak of an open door caused both of your heads to turn, seeing the rich oak of the bathroom stall door open slightly, causing a chilling feeling to shoot down your spine.

Their was no further sound from the occupant inside, but you were certain it was only you and Rebecca in the bathroom.

You looked to Rebecca slightly, seeing her return the same emotions you were feeling with her own worried glance.

You looked back to the door, your hand slowly reaching over to your gun holster before stopping. You forced yourself to move a bit closer, making your steps as quiet as possible.

Rebecca's quiet gasp alerted you before your fingertips touched the door. You looked back at her, seeing her gaze stuck on the ground by your feet. You looked down, your breath caught in your throat as you saw the pool of bright blood flood from underneath the bathroom door, making you expect the worst behind the door.

You pushed the door open fast with your hand, your feet automatically stepping away immediatly as you gasped, accompanied by Rebecca's own horrified inhales.

Inside was a woman, slouching awkwardly on the toilet. A deeply cut laceration was seen on her neck, forcing her head to bend back awkwardly to expose the sliced veins and muscles. Dark blood stained her neck, which poured out in copious amounts on her shirt and onto the tile walls. Her fingers were stained, showing signs of struggle before she succumbed to her death.

Before you could say anything, a sharp pain struck itself in the crevice between your neck and right shoulder. It was a pain you never experienced before, one that shot a searing hot pain up and down your spine before spreading throughout your whole body. It was painful, but the single bit alone left you mute, unable to scream or make any sound to comprehend what happened.

Your legs limped out underneath you, your vision flashing white before fading to black. You felt your body falling, your head hitting the surface of the cold floor. Pins and needles tingled underneath your skin, every nerve in your body beginning to burn as if every muscle cramped painfully. It made you want to scream, but you couldn't move, you barely felt like you could breathe.

You succumbed faster than you could submit, your hearing being the last thing that cut off before you could drift to darkness. The last things you heard were the sounds of Rebecca's struggled breathing, followed by the sounds of boots scraping frantically against the ground.

Leon let out a scream that spoke no words, one with a tone of voice that Chris never heard before.

He saw from his makeshift barrier between him and the barrage of bullets being shot at them from the unknown enemies, the sight of your body being carried in the arms of a soldier dressed in black.
The soldier was standing next to a tall woman, adorning a skin tight leather uniform and straight blonde hair. Hoisted over her shoulder was the body of Rebecca, appearing to be in the same state as you were in, unconscious and unwillingly stolen.

After you left to the restroom, he was left staring at your ring on the table. He had taken your ring into his fingers moments before he was attacked. Seeing the diamonds on the band made him recall the day he took you to pick out your ring, and how big your smile had been when he slipped it onto your finger on your wedding day.

It was currently in his balled up fist, which he immediatly squeezed tighter in pure rage as he watched the blonde haired woman walk towards the truck, not only taking Rebecca away, but taking his wife away with them.

Unrequited Circumstances-Resident Evil VendettaWhere stories live. Discover now