Two Heroes Special

Start from the beginning

Rio- True and the island was made mobile in order to protect the scientists and their research from villains. The security level is equivalent to that of Tartarus, and no villain has committed a crime here before.

All Might- Wow you guys really know your stuff, huh?

We had finally made it out of the immigration process and we're looking out into the view of I-Island.

Rio- No matter how many times I come here.... This view is breathtaking.

Lady- Welcome to I-Expo! Wait....All Might?!

Random people- All Might!.....Its really him!

Everyone started crowding around him like usual.


All Might- I didn't think I'd be stopped for that long...

Rio- We always get stopped for that long! Have you ever heard of a disguise?

All Might- Aww your just jealous.

Rio- Of what, Your ego?

He frowned and I started laughing.

Rio- Ha, got you there.

All Might- Well anyway I want to have a reunion with an old friend that I haven't seen in a while. Wanna go?

Midoriya- All Might's....friend. Of course i'll go!

All Might- But I haven't told him about One for All or how I passed the Quirk on to you, so be careful. 

Midoriya- Its even a secret from you friend?

Rio- Midoriya you have to understand that danger follows around those who know the secret of One For All.

Midoriya- Yea okay.

Rio- Hey lighten up! We're at the expo!

Midoriya- Right!

Then out of the blue I saw a girl jumping on a machine coming our way. 

'Its been so long I cant wait to see her!'

Melissa- Uncle! Rio!

She then jumped into All Might's arms.

Melissa- Uncle Might!

All Might- Oh, Melissa!

Melissa- Long time no see!

She then turned to me and hugged me.

Melissa- Rio! Its been too long! Last I remember you were still little! 

Rio- Melissa! I've missed you! And beside everyone has to start growing one day!

Melissa- And that hero outfit! It suits you perfectly! Its almost like the design you showed me years ago.

Rio- Yea the costume went through a few changes here and there but its all right.

Melissa- Well I'm so happy you guys came!

All Might- Thank you for inviting us! But man, I almost didn't recognize you! You're all grown up now!

Melissa- I'm seventeen now. I'm heavier than I used to be, aren't I?

All Might- Not at all!

Melissa- I'm glad you guys seem well as usual.

All Might- Oh right, where's Dave?

Rio- Yea Uncle Dave usually comes to greet us with you.

Melissa- He's in his lab. It looks like he finished the first stage of some research he'd been working on for many years, so I invited you both to the island as a surprise to celebrate that.

My Hero Academia: All Might's Little Sister (OC X Todoroki)Where stories live. Discover now