jinyoung; favorite mistake

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jinyoung and i sat across from each other; separated by an invisible wall. he stared at me for what seemed like forever and i turned my head to avoid his gaze.

"so you called me over to be a creep and stare at me?" he continued to stare at me while removing the silver ring from his finger.

"do you see this?" he inquired.

"its a ring, what about it?" my body got stiff for a second because i have an idea of where he's going with this conversation.

"this, this thing we got between us can't happen anymore. i wanna work on my marriage with my wife."

jinyoung and i go way back and when i say way back i mean that we've known each other since preschool. we didn't fall for each other romantically until high school and he's pretty much my first for everything. after we graduated, we broke up once i found out that we were expecting.

the both of us weren't ready for a child at 18 and we both decided to give the baby up for adoption once i had him/her but, unfortunately, i suffered a miscarriage. we never told anyone since i wasn't too far along. we tried to bury the secret as much as we could but it caught up to us at times.

since then, we drifted apart and he got married without telling me. no invite, no call, nothing. as selfish as this may sound, jinyoung was supposed to be my husband. he was always mine until he let someone take my place.

"are you sure you wanna work on your marriage when you literally was rearranging my guts two weeks ago?"

he slightly hit the table, annoyed at me for  asking him a honest question. "don't bring that up, i just used you for sex." i chuckled calmly although it felt like a bullet went through my chest.

"i never meant to let this get this far, you were just the easiest person to get to. i apologize for that but i love my wife."

that wack ass apology.

i grabbed his phone that laid on the edge of the table and i threw it at him. he ducked and glared at me. the screen cracked and glass pieces flew out.

"you got some fucking nerves calling me over and telling me bullshit like this! after everything we went through and you still want to be with a bitch who got pregnant by somebody else. make it make fucking sense jinyoung."

he sat there quiet like a dumb ass bitch and sighed. "i didn't say none of us were perfect erica but i'm willing to forgive her."

"so why her?" i was always curious as to why he chose her over me.

he stumbled on his words and fiddled with his fingers. his hair was parted down the middle so it gave me access to see how his forehead formed lines as he scrunched his face.

"because even after going through all those good and bad times with you, we just weren't meant to be. when i met my wife i fell in love immediately and she made my world less depressing. she healed me in ways i never thought a person could."

i did everything i could to not cry in front of this dude but tears were spilling and i couldn't stop them.

"so what? you're gonna drop me again?"

he got up and placed his hands on the table. "i'm not going to drop you erica, but we can't do the things we did before. all of this was a mistake."

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