mark; nothing more

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the days would pass by and nothing would get better. it was like everything i worked hard for was crumbling down right before me.

what was the point of being in a relationship where communication was little and it was anything but good?

"why are you still here?! get the fuck out mark!" gabi threw her keys at me and i dodge it.

"i fucking live here gabi." i told her. she groaned and sat down on the beige couch. her eyes were piercing through my back and i knew she couldn't stand looking at me. this was everyday and when i finally leave she wants me back.

i don't why i stay when this relationship is clearly bad for the both of us. i adore her and i put up with her crap because i want to be with her.

"i fucked your brother and yugyeom." she blurted.

my heart dropped and i wanted to scream. she'd always say something like this to make me angry but i wasn't gonna give her the satisfaction.

"oh yeah?" i played along.

gabi smirked and bit her lip. "yeah, their dick was way better then yours. too bad i'm stuck with you."

how did we get to this point? did i do something wrong? i tried my hardest to make her happy. i gave her my world and she never gave me anything.

i told myself that it was okay because one day she'll come around but reality checked in and now i know that she won't.

"what is it about me that you're so willing to stay? i don't need you to stay."

i turned to her and set my pride aside. we looked at each other with mixed emotions and i hated the feeling.

i missed her fingertips grazing against my skin when i was this angry but it's like all of that was a dream.

"i love everything about you and i want to make you my wife. you make my life a living hell but i forgive you every time because you mean more than just the world to me."

gabi scoffed and walked over to me. "i hate you and i don't want anything to do with you. stay away from me."

at that point i knew she really didn't want my love.

"as you wish gabriela."

my body started getting hot and tears fell against my skin, landing harshly on my shoes.

i looked back once more and gabi was already in the room. "i will always love you, even if you don't feel the same." i mumbled.

she wanted nothing more to do with our relationship and i have to learn to now accept that.

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