Godaime Hokage

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Jiraiya, Obito and Naruko stood before Tsunade and Shizune, her apprentice and Tonton, who was a pig. Naruko stared at Tsunade as she kept drowning the sake. Obito looked at Jiraiya and he sighed. Tsunade was a fair-skinned woman with brown eyes and straight blonde hair that parted above her forehead. Her hair had shoulder-length bangs that frame her face and the rest reaches her lower-back in two low ponytails.

"Tsunade we need you in the village"-said Jiraiya and Tsunade looked at him

"I'm not going back to that cursed village"-said Tsunade

"Then just come for a week. The council had sent Obito to take you back in, so he could become the Hokage. They know you won't come and that's why they put that condition"-said Jiraiya explaining the situation

"I don't care. If Obito is such a fool to be Hokage than he can go and kill himself as the others did"-said Tsunade.

"The only fool here is you"-said Naruko and Tsunade looked at her

"What did you said brat"-threatened Tsunade

"The only fool is you. True every Hokage sacrificed their lives but they at least had a purpose on life and died protecting the village and the ones they loved. What about you a old hag, drinking and getting drunk, gambling and loosing her money. You really are the Legendary Sucker, you suck. I don't believe I used to admire you. A strong woman, bullshit you're just a coward who keeps running from her past"-said Naruko and Tsunade slammed her fist in the table

"What does a brat like you knows"-said Tsunade through gritted teeth.

"A lot"-said Naruko

"Really, you're just a pompous princess who doesn't know what real loss is"-barged Tsunade and gulped down another cup of sake. The table broke under the fist slamming it shocking everyone in the bar. Tsunade saw wide eyes Naruko as her EMS glowed.

"You say I don't know what true loss is. Well listen here Tsunade Senju and listen well. My mother and father died protecting me and the village. As Kyubi used his claws to kill me my parents got in front of me and stopped the claw with their body. As their blood washed me they sealed the beast responsible for my parents death in me. I grew with looks that showed fear but faces that smiled at me because I was their Yondaime's daughter. Kids in my clan made fun of me and I didn't had any friends until academy. The man that I viewed as grandfather was killed by a psycho who wants my body and my brother died in my hands even if later I was informed it was a temporary death. His body was covered in blood and he stood limp and cold in my arms. So don't tell me that I don't know loss because Tsunade Senju I know loss better than you. You are nothing compare to me. I admired you but now I realise that I'm stronger than you and you're just a coward old hag. You ran away because your lover and brother died. Well shock news my entire family is dead but I don't go running away. I respected their wish and I grew strong to protect the village they died for."-said Naruko in a cold tone and Obito looked at her sad. He knew that even that Fugaku and Mikoto did their best, Naruko missed her real parents.

"I'm Naruko Uchiha Uzumaki and I'll be the first woman Hokage and you're just a drunkard old hag"-said Naruko and Tsunade snapped

"You wanna take this outside brat"-said Tsunade

"With pleasure"-said Naruko and soon they found themselves out the bar in front of each other.

"Let make a bet brat. If you touch me you win. If I win you're going to give me all your money and if you win I'll come back and give this necklace to you"-said Tsunade and showed a necklace with a blue crystal

"Deal"-said Naruko and took her stance. She ran at Tsunade and tried to punch her but Tsunade blocked the lunch and flicked Naruko's forehead with one finger. Naruko was sent flying back. She landed in her feet and started to shunshin around Tsunade incredibly fast and leaving after images behind. Tsunade's eyes widened as she recognised the technique and then smiled as Naruko tried to punch her. She dodged and punched her only for Naruko to disappear in a puff of smoke. Tsunade's eyes widened in surprise and shock and then Naruko kicked her in the ribs. She stumbled in the side and all Narukos disappeared leaving the real one smirking at her.

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