Mission in Wave

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Team seven met Tazuna in the gates of Konoha after an hour and left the village. They headed to the Land of Waves where Tazuna lived and was building a bridge.

"Tazuna-san are there ninjas in Wave"-asked Sakura and Tazuna shook his head

"If it had I wouldn't come to Konoha"-responded Tazuna and continued walking

"There are many villages that don't have ninjas Sakura but as many that have."-said Obito and Sakura nodded

"The strongest, biggest and most influential villages are, Konohagakure of the Fire Nation, Sunagakure of the Wind Nation, Kumogakure of the Lightning Nation, Kirikagure of the Water Nation and Iwagakure of Earth Nation. Konoha is the strongest of them all."-said Naruko and Sasuke nodded

"How do you know all this"-asked Sakura jealous, she was the smartest of their group,not Naruko.

"Sakura I'm the daughter of Yondaime Hokage and the leader of Uchiha clan is my adoptive father"-said Naruko like it was the most obvious thing.

"You're the child of a Hokage"-said Tazuna shocked, he knew that the Hokage was the leader of the village so he must be the strongest of them all.

"Isn't that old man a little too old for..."

"He isn't my father, mine has died and yes I am a child of a Hokage, so you better look out for this goofy dwarf if you value your life"-said Naruko still angered at Tazuna's comment. Tazuna laughed nervously as they continued walking.

It was a sunny day and was hot as hell. Naruko took off her jacket and tied her around her waist and put her pigtails in a messy bun. Sakura saw Naruko's assets and grew jealous of them. Sasuke too kept steeling glares at Naruko and his target was her uncovered neck or her assets. Then he heard a growl and looked up at Obito who was looking at him like he wanted kill him and gulped looking away. They passed a puddle of water and as soon as they passed it from it emerged two ninjas.

One had shoulder-length, wild dark-brown hair and dark eyes. He wears a rebreather that covers the lower half of his face and a large, clawed, poisonous gauntlet on his right arm which had a chain coming out of it that had the other end attached to his companion's own gauntlet. He wore a camouflage suit with bandages around his waist, dark-coloured, knee-length sandals and a ragged black cape. His Kirigakure headband had a single horn on it.
The other had shoulder-length, wild dark-brown hair and dark eyes. He wears a rebreather that covers the lower half of his face and a large, clawed, poisonous gauntlet on his left arm which had a chain coming out of it that had the other end attached to his companion's own gauntlet. He wore a camouflage suit with bandages around his waist, dark-coloured, knee-length sandals and several pouches around his waist. His Kirigakure headband had two horns on it. They tied Obito and cut him in pieces with their chains. Sakura looked horrified and Naruko attacked the one in the right and Sasuke the one in the left. Sasuke threw three kunais and cut the chain. Naruko kicked the ninja in his head but he blocked with his gauntlet and she unsheathed her katana and used the hilt to knock him out. Sasuke punched the other ninja but he dodged, so Sasuke kicked him to the side and sent him crashing to a tree where Obito appeared and knocked him out.

"SENSEI"-yelled Sakura relieved and shocked. She bad frozen when those ninja had appeared and 'killed' sensei.

"Good job Naruko, Sasuke"-said Obito and used the chai that the Kiri nins had to tie them to a tree.

"They're missing nins"-said Sasuke after he saw the slashes on the metallic plates of the headbands.

"They're Demon Brothers"-said Obito and used and looked at Tazuna

"Tazuna-san care to explain why they headed to you after they took me down"-said Obito and Tazuna gulped

"I don't know what you're talking about"-said Tazuna and Obito sighed

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