Field Trip 3

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Guess who's writing? It's Superman. Jk it's @emstigersss , she's been hijacked, jk. MERRY LATE XMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR! TWO NEW COLLAB ACCOUNTS - @Supereww1 (just me and em) and @theSuaveCaptain (7 peeps w/ em, story posted)
Btw this chapter is gonna be long so grab some Christmas cookies and cocoa munchkins. Yeah, I called you munchkins, not Superfans, munchkins. Deal with it. I've been watching Troye Sivan videos way too much. OH! COMMENT WHAT YOUR FAVORITE GIFT WAS THIS CHRISTMAS!! And yesterday was ems bday!

Diego POV

Walking in the snow, which somehow turned soft and powdery, Gigi and I headed to our hotel.

"Diego!" I heard.

Turning around, I saw Viv calling out for me in the snow. I ran to her, because I couldn't resist her charm and beauty.

The white powder began to fall like sprinkles upon us. It was a perfect moment; the snow, us, her.

I couldn't stop myself. Within seconds, my lips were on hers, moving in sync and feeling so right. Pulling away, our breaths escaping our mouths, appearing in the air.

"Viv," I whispered, my head against hers. "Come with me."

She nodded, heads still touching.

"Awww, that's kind of cute," Gigi said. "If only it wasn't my brother!"

Viv laughed.

"Well, Viv, you can stay with my brother in our room and I'll stay with Dom and them. How's that?"

"Perfect," she exhaled.

We walked into the hotel room and plopped onto the beds. Hers on the right, mine on the left. There was a danegeroulsy awkward silence between us.

"I'm gonna go shower," Viv said.

She got up and skipped to the bathroom, while my eyes slowly shut as I fell into a deep, dark, slumber.


The steaming hot water left me with a tingly burning sensation. How could something so wrong feel so right? How could something so right be so wrong. Diego was perfect, but ME AND DIEGO was a huge mistake. Still, even after all these thoughts, I was obligied to love him. The kiss was perfect in the freezing snow, but it shouldn't have been with him. It should of been with-

"Babe, you almost done? We have dinner at Dom's in an hour and I have to shower too."

"Huh? Oh, yeah! Give me five minutes!"

My fingers looked like dried prunes. I must off been in here a long time. The water was burning my cuts anyways. Yes I cut myself. SUE ME!

I put on some Vanilla Bean Noel lotion and threw on black ripped leggings and a pink t-shirt with PINK spelled on the back with black sparkles.

I walked out the bathroom passing Diego, giving him a weak smile. I heard the shower turn on minutes later and a soft, yet girly scream. I probably used all the hot water. Oh well. Sucks for him.
Half an hour later, he got out the shower wearing dark wash jeans and a dark red Aeropostale t-shirt. Grabbing his black blazer, me grabbing my hot pink North Face and short chestnut uggs, we left for Dominic's.

Riley POV

Kill me now. She's gonna hate me. I mean Dominic is set, but me, I have a whole life to figure out! He's probably gonna be a CEO of some amazing company and me, well I could do that, but I would rather be a photographer instead.

"Babe, calm down," Dominic stated, walking into the room.

"What? I am calm," I fibbed in a demanding voice.

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