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btw this isnt a update but omg guys I hit the k I HIT K!! 1.1K read wow that just made my day (which starts at like 2pm lol) thxxx so mjch and coment velow what you thinkmof my story and if u have any ideas also to celebrate im adding some charecters so if u want to make one then hear is the form


eye color

hair color

style (of clothing)

Wizard, Witch, Kanay, Mermaid, Human



Power Color (only if witch or wizard and pattern if kanay, and tail color if mermaid)




group: (sharks, panthers, none)


BUT I AM ONLY EXCEPTING THE FIRST 4 PEOPLE WHO ENTER ANYONE ELSE WHO MAKES A CHARECTER WILL BE IN IT BUT LATER ON WHEN I NEED MORE kk bye and also I had an entry a long time ago by @Carter_reynolds_wife so shes in but I need 4 more ppl btw u can only make one charecter k and also I will update l8r today k bye and one more thing I will reply accepted to ur comment if ur in or in a later chapter if ur not I will make a part telling u new charecters and and when to stop making them k byeeee

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