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OK SO THIS HUGE! I NEED YOUR GUYS HELP! LIKE ALOT! No I am not on writer's block, well I knd of am, but I got everything setteled. As I have told you guys, I am doing this thing called nanowrimo, and this is where you have a month to write a novel. Well, me being the over-achiever I am, I am writing two novels. Now the idea just popped in my head that maybe you guys would like to read them too? OK so, I am pretty sure I will be done with them by December. That's why I am being really lazy on updating my EWW story. I have been thinking about posting it for weeks. Well, since like October sometime, when I entered my story in a contest. So here is where you guys come in. Comment if you want me to do it. Now, I might not do waht you guys say, but if I feel motivated enough, then I will do it. I feel motivated already, but I really want to know what you guys say. If I do it, then I will write about it in this and it will be posted December 1st or November 31st. Thanks for being the best fans ever. :) ;)

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