Chapter 9 (Episode 3 part 1)

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I sat in in my cell in the police station and sighed its been 3 hours since Derek and i had been arrested they had put us in sperate cells and had questioned us several times, they were now waiting for the test results from Laura's body to come back from the labs. The entire time I was in the cell I was either pacing or hold Derek's hand the he had put through the bars, it was comforting to know he was there for me.

"How are your parent's going to react to this?" Derek asked after I returned from another round of 'Why did you do it' with Deputy Smith, who was a rather hard ass and sexist.

"They won't be mad, they know that I wouldn't lose control like that" I replied as he squeezed my hand, I have spent many nights in jail thanks to the pack that i was in back in West Hollywood so being in here because of something I didn't do will surprise my parents.

"I don't understand why they dragged you into this in the first place" Derek grumbled clearly not happy with Scott and Stiles.

"They're just scared, right now their like caged animals lashing out at anyone or anything" I sighed and gain and gripped the bridge of my nose with the tips of the fingers on my left hand seeing as my right gripped Derek's desprately.

"Good point" he mumbled when the door that lead to our cells slammed open to reveal a pissed off Deputy Smith.

Unlocking the doors he swug them both open and stepped back "You're both free to go" he muttered clearly not pleased. Stepping out I glanced at Derek and he gave me the same surprised look I gave to him "MOVE!" Smith yelled making me jump and Derek glare before grabbing my hand and puling me from where we were.

"Here's your things" the Sheriff said handing over my leather jacket, Phone, car keys and wallet eh turned to Derek and did the same "the tests came back 5 minutes ago, I'm sorry Mr Hale" he paused and looked at Derek with pity "there was wolf her on your sisters body" he then looked at me "Sorry for keeping you locked up" I smiled gently, it wasn't his fault, but when I get my hands on his son and Scott I'm going to strangle them.

"Goodbye" i said walking out of the Sheriff's office to be greeted by my parent's.

"You have some explaining to do" dad said amused for some reason.

"You missed out on lunch!" mum growled loudly, seriously that's all she had on her mind?

~Next Day~

I pulled into my usual parking spot at school and ignored the stares that were glued to me, jeez you spend a few hours in a holding cell in this town and suddenly you're a freak. I got out of my car, walked around the passenger side and opened the door to pull out my messenger bag that had fallen onto the floor about half way to school.

"Hey" Stiles said with Scott standing next to him looking worried and uncomfortable.

"Sup kids" I mumbled back looking over at them "Hiding your stash from someone Scott?" I asked jokingly as his eyes darted around the parking lot.

"Huh?" he said at the same time Stiles said "What?"

"Druggy humor, nevermind" I grabbed my bag out of my car checking I had everything I need before slamming the door shut "What's up?"

Scott looked at me "I had a really vivid dream and I need help" he looked down at his feet, I opened my mouth to say I would help him when Stiles interupted me.

"Look we're sorry we got you sent to jail but your the only one we can come to with this" he looked at me as if waiting for me to say go to hell but I just shrugged.

"Apology accepted" I nodded at Soctt "now tell me about this dream you had" we started to walk down the hall of the school as Scott told us about his weird dream where he was making out with Allison in the school bus at night when all of a sudden he turned and attacked her.

"So you killed her?" I asked as we walked through the scools side doors that were closest to our lockers.

Scott just shrugged "I don't know. I just woke up. And I was sweating like crazy, and I couldn't breathe. I've never had a dream where I woke up like that before." I knew what he was talking about I had these types of dreams before but of cause it involved a large amount of body parts and quiet a lot of blood.

"Really? I have. Usually ends a little differently." Stiles said with a smirk it made me shiver in disgust, I really didn't need to know what happened to him in bed.

Scott shook his head and stopped walking "A," I meant I've never had a dream that felt that real, and "B," never give me that much detail about you in bed again."

"Yeah dude, To Much Info" I said dragging out the last word.

Stiles nodded "Noted. Let me take a guess here -" he started but was cut off by Scott

"No, I know, you think it has something to do with me going out with Allison tomorrow, like I'm gonna lose control and rip her throat out."

"Scott I'm pretty sure everyone in you position has been through this" I said to him trying to clam him down so he wouldn't have a panick attack.

"No, of course not. Yeah, that's totally it. Hey, come on, it's gonna be fine, all right? Personally, I think you're handling this pretty freakin' amazingly." I nodded in agreement I mean aprt from the obvious where he shouldn't be playing violent sports "You know, it's not like there's a lycanthropy for beginners class you can take." Stiles looked at me expectantly.

Scott gave me the same look "Yeah, not a class, but maybe a teacher."

"Oh no" I said "nope, not gonna happen, I am not going to teach you find someone else" I shook my head again just so they'd get the message "I'm not teaching you, I woudln't know where to start, i mean I've never taught or been around a newly turned before"

"What about your mum?" Scott asked

"She had a few years to adjust and besides by the time I was born she had it under control... mostly" I said remebering the time she lost her shit and killed an entire church group "Just asked him"

Stiles looked at me with wide eyes "Who, Derek? You forgetting the part where we got him tossed in jail?" he pointed between Scott and himself.

Scott sighed realising I wasn't going to move from my decision "Yeah, I know, but chasing her, dragging her to the back of the bus, it felt so real." We'd begun walking and were at the end of the hall that lead to another set of doors.

"How real?" Stiles and I asked at the same time.

"Like it actually happened." Scott said opening the set of doors all our eyes widened when we saw the police cars and ambolance surround the torn up school bus that had blood smeared on the windows and doors.

"I think it did." I mumbled as Deputies and the Sheriff told the reporters and curious on lookers to stay back.


His Girl ~ A Derek Hale love story (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now