Chapter 22 (Episode 6 Part 3)

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(Continued from last weeks chapter)


Stiles pulled out a large roll of ductape and wound it around Scott wrists tightly, we all the walked onto the lacrosse feild and told Scott to stand 20 paces away from us.

"You sure you can do this?" Stiles asked as we grabbed both long sticks and lacrosse balls "I mean Derek might get angry with you"

"Derek's a big boy" I testing the net on the stick to see if it was tight enough "Besides he knows I want to help Scott, he wont be angry" I smiled reassuringly at Stiles and turned to Scott who was waiting patienantly infront of us.

"This isn't exactly how I wanted to spend my free period." Scott called to us as Stiles squatted down and tapped the heart monitor app on Coaches phone before standing back up.

Stiles picked up a ball with his stick and looked at Scott "All right. You ready?"


"Remember, don't get angry." I said to picking up a ball as well.

"I'm starting to think this was a really bad idea." Scott mumbled to himself clearly forgetting that I could hear him, I stepped forward with my left foot and threw the ball at Scott using only a little bit of my wolf strength "Oh, man. Okay, that one - kind of hurt." Scott crumpled forward before straightening

"Quiet. Remember, you're supposed to be thinking about your heart rate, all right? About staying calm." I glanced at the phone as the beeping increased, his heart rate had shot up to 115 from 85.

"Stay calm. Staying calm. Staying totally calm. There's no balls flying at my face -" he spoke as I threw another ball at him, hitting him square in the chest.

"Aah! Son of a bitch!" Scott shouted causing a laugh to come from me.

"You know what? I think my aim is actually improving." Stiles said with a smirk.

"Same, thanks for being the target Scott" I smiled throwing another ball at him.

"Wonder why." Scott said with a growl.

"Don't get angry." Stiles chided

"I'm not getting angry." Scott said though clenched teeth "Stop. Just - can we just hold -" Scott began to breath heavily and he fell to the ground, Coaches phone began to beep faster, dropping my long stick I ran up to Scott and grabbed his shoulders telling him comforting things that my mum had told me when I first turned. Scott pulled his hands hard enough that the duct tape broke and he clutched my hand.

"Scott it's going to be okay" I ran my fingers though his hair like I do with Finn when he is sick, "breath that's all you have to do, do you hear me Scott just breath" Scott's breathing evened out and the beeping that was coming from the phone behind me slowed down conciderably.

Stiles crouched down next to us "Scott? Scott, you started to change." he put his on Scott's shoulder and rubbed little circles to sooth him.

"From anger. But it was more than that. Was like, the angrier I got, the stronger I felt." Scott looked up at me and I nodded

"So it is anger, then. Derek's right." Stiles said sitting back.

"I can't be around Allison." Scott mumbled moving away from my hold he slumped onto the ground with a sigh

"Just because she makes you happy?" Stiles asked looking at me with questioning eyes.

"No, because she makes him weak." I said to him, helping Scott to his feet I ran over to the abandonded long sticks and gym bag, picking them up I followed the boys into the locker room.

"Alright, you stay away from her for a few days, you can do that." I said as Stiles put away the long sticks and took off the gym bag once we got to his cubby.

"But is it a few days, or is it forever?" Scott asked me, throwing the lacrosse ball he'd picked up in his right hand

"You know, this whole "women make you weak" thing is a little too spartan warrior for me. It's probably just part of the learning process." Stiles said twitching.

"Yeah, but you've seen Derek. I mean, the guy's totally alone." He then looked at me "Um... i mean he has you but other thne that..." he trailed off

"Scott it's fine, sometimes being alone is better then being in a pack" I mumbled with a sigh.

"What if I can, like, never be around her again?" Scott asked turning his back on Stiles and I to lightly thump his hand on the metal cubby that held his lacrosse uniform.

"Well, if you're not dead, that could be a good thing." Stiles said

"Rather be dead." he mumbled with a shake of his head.

"All right, you're not gonna end up like Derek, all right? We'll figure it out." I said putting my hand on his shoulder blade and pushing him  away from his cubby.

"'Kay." he mumbled with a satisfied smile

"Come on. Let's get out of here." Stiles said heading towards the exit

"Something smells terrible in here, anyway." Scott said falling into step with me and Stiles.

"Really? In a boys' locker room? That doesn't make any sense at all." man this kid could be so sarcastic sometimes.

"No, it's like something's rotting or dying." i said scrunching up my nose as the rotting flesh smell reached my nose and almost caused me to gag.


I handed Mia her snack and patted her on the head as Finn burst through the kitchen door in a panicked way "What's wrong Finnsicle?" mum asked putting her glasses on the dinning table she was sitting at.

Finn ran and hid behind me, clutching my black sabbath with a shaking hand he pointed to the door "there's a weird lady in here" he yelled as a red head walked casualy into our kitchen wearing a hufflepuff tank top and black cargo pants with red converse.

"Drew, Drew Whitehall?" I said stepping towards my friend who smiled sweetly at me and waved at my mum.

"Hello love, you miss me?" She asked with a wink, yep that's Drew for you.


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