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꓅wo days later...

The three lords and their sons arrived along with a small group from their clan.

Rey's mother was helping her get ready for the ceremony. The light blue silk gown that her mother had her wear was far more uncomfortable and restricting than the loose dresses she was used to wearing. Normally she wore dresses made strong but flexible fabric that wouldn't tear easily. She doubted that this gown would last a day of her normal activities in the forest.

She couldn't wait for this day to be over so that she could be free again... but then she remembered that she would never be free again.

Her mother smiled at her. "You look beautiful," she said.

"Thank you," Rey said with a smile, but it wasn't whole hearted and it didn't reach her eyes.

Her mother sighed, knowing that Rey didn't want to go through with this, but there was no turning back now.

~  ~

Rey watched as her mother walked gracefully in front of the crowd to her throne. She tried to mimic her mother's graceful stride and make her proud, but Rey could never seem to get it right and the stiff gown didn't help matters.

She sat down in her throne, far less gracefully than her mother had. Her mother looked at her, arching an eyebrow, and she quickly sat up straight.

The king stood to address the crowd. "The four clans have gathered for the presentation of the suitors."

Everyone cheered, though it was a simple speech and a bit straight to the point.

The king sat down and the first of the three lords, Lord Dameron stepped forward.

"I present my eldest son, Poe." He gestured and a young man with short brown hair stepped forward. He had brown eyes and a warm, friendly smile. He wore a tan shirt and a orange tartan kilt.

"My son is the finest horseman in the kingdom," he added.

Rey rolled her eyes, of course the lords would use this an opportunity to brag on themselves, their sons and their clans. He was probably exaggerating the truth, Rey could probably ride circles around him. But Por didn't look to be a cruel or unkind man, and she was grateful for that. He seemed to be a happy, fun loving man whom she could possibly get along with.

The next lord, Lord Solo stepped forward.

"I present my only son, Ben," he said.

A young man with shoulder length black hair stepped forward. He wore a black shirt and red tartan kilt. He was tall and strongly built. He had fair skin that seemed pale in contrast to his dark hair and eyes.

"He is the strongest warrior in all of the highlands, he fearlessly led armies against our enemies," Lord Solo boasted.

Ben drew his sword and swung it in an arc.

Rey rolled her eyes in annoyance.

He looked over at her and his eyes met hers.

She looked away, she just wanted this whole thing to be over as soon as possible.

The last of the lords, Lord Calrissian stepped forward.

"I present my eldest son, Finn," he said and his son stepped forward.

Rey looked at him, he had short curly black hair and dark brown eyes. He had dark skin and a genuine, friendly smile.

"He is the greatest, bravest warrior of the highlands," his father went on.

Lord Solo scoffed. "That title belongs to my son."

"Nay," Lord Dameron interrupted. "My son is the greatest warrior of the highlands."

An argument broke out between them. The lords and their sons debating over who was the strongest, bringing up over exaggerated events of the war.

Rey groaned in irritation, she couldn't believe that she was going to have to marry one of these obnoxious pigheaded men. None of them were unattractive, and they didn't seem to be cruel or corrupt. But they were all boastful, and acted like overgrown children. Worst of all they were competing for her as if she were some kind of trophy. Even though she knew that they were also fighting for the throne as well, and that only made it worse. If she knew that they truly wanted her she wouldn't feel so used. She was nothing but a key to the throne and power to them.

Her father stood. "That's enough," he called loudly, and they fell silent. "Whoever wins will prove themself to be the best."

They all nodded, seeming to come to an agreement, then her father sat down.

The queen rose and addressed the crowd. "The one who proves himself by winning a challenge in the games will win the princess's hand..." she gestured to her daughter.

Suddenly all three of the lords' sons were staring at her, looking at her from head to toe as they seemed to be admiring her.

"...and become the heir to the throne," the queen continued. "By tradition only the first born of each clan can compete for the princess's hand."

First born? Rey thought. I am first born. Suddenly an idea came to her.

"It is custom that the princess herself chooses the challenge," her mother said and all eyes fell on her as they waited expectantly.

Rey thought for a moment, then she leaned over and whispered something into her father's ear.

He considered her proposition for a moment, then nodded.

Rey stood and took a deep breath before she began. "Instead of doing one event, you must compete in all of the events," she said.

At first they seemed disappointed, but then they each realised that they would have a better chance to win since they could compete in their strongest events.

"I am the first born child of the king, and I will be competing against you," she added. "If I win then I will be free to choose whom I marry."

The lords and their sons exchanged surprised glances.

"I am the princess and I get to choose the challenge. I know that this has never been done before, but it isn't against tradition."

Everyone was silent.

"What's the matter? Afraid that your sons aren't strong enough to beat my daughter?" the king asked.

"Of course not," Lord Dameron replied.

"Then it's settled," her father said.

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