Give Us A Try (Shawn x

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A/N: It's been a while, but I'm back! Enjoy this not so great fic that I actually like the concept of.

Summary: You're Shawn's assistant and you both have feelings you don't want to admit. What happens when press gets released about your non-existent relationship? (Shawn x PA!reader)

Word Count: 1.5k +

Warnings: Like a baby swear and a tiny bit of angst if you squint. I didn't proofread so I hope it's legible

You hated parties. Well, not all parties. You hated this party and all those like this; all glamor and no fun.

Shawn said that you didn't have to go, but as his assistant, you knew you had too. It was a nice party, you just didn't fit in. Everyone there made more money in a minute than you did in a month and you could definitely tell.

"You know, you don't have to wallow over here. You're allowed to 'partay' with me," Shawn says as he sits down in the seat next to you. "Nobody is going to judge you."

"Oh but they all are."

Shawn rolled his eyes. "I told you I could get you a dress."

"And I told you that I didn't need you to spend money on me. Besides, I like this dress. I'm getting my money's worth."

"It's not a problem and you know that."

"I know and I don't care." You leaned back in your chair and shook your head playfully.

"Ugh, woman," he groaned.

You rolled your eyes, smacking him on the bicep.

"Come on," he said. "Let's go talk to some people." You grabbed your arm and yanked, trying to get you to come with him.

"Nope! Absolutely not!" You were no match to Shawn's strength, but you tried to resist.

"You never want to do anything," he complains, letting go and crossing his arms. "You're my assistant and I need you to come with me in case I need something."

"Like what?"

"Like a hug."


"Let's go."

You finally comply, standing up and walking around with him. He introduced you to some people you didn't know, trying to help you feel a little more comfortable.

Shawn was having the time of his life. Having you by his side made him feel powerful for some reason. He didn't even notice how tired you were getting until you leaned into his side while he talked to Niall.

"Yeah, we were in the studio and-" Niall chuckled when he saw you rest your head on Shawn's arm.

Shawn gave him a confused look before looking down, noticing how your eyes were almost closed.

"Are you guys seriously not a thing yet?"

Shawn looked up, shaking his head sadly. "I'm not sure she feels the same, ya know?"

"Shawn, are you joking? Dude, she is definitely into you. I know Y/N. She doesn't go to parties for this long for just anyone."

"That's true. I don't know, I'm just scared I guess."

"You're basically dating already. Don't worry." Niall uncrossed his arms and leaned in to give Shawn a hug. "Alright man, it was good talking to ya. Why don't you take your lady home?"

"Thanks, man. See you later." Shawn looked back to you and smiled softly. He wished it could be like this more often. He wrapped an arm around you and rubbed your shoulder in an attempt to wake you up.

Shawn Mendes ImaginesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora