A Little Too Much

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A/N: Hey lovely people! I know I said there would be a part 2 too Back At It Again but I read a short blurb about sick Y/N and I was inspired. Also, the ending was kinda crappy but I wasn't really sure how to end it so . . .

Word Count: 1k+

Summary: You get sick while on tour with Shawn because you've been stressing yourself out with trying to take care of the kids.

Warnings: Swearing

"Daddy look at my new car!" Your son, Jack, yells as he runs through the hotel room door. He sat down on the floor and took his light-up sneakers without putting down his new red toy.

"Wow bub. That's really nice. Did mommy get it for you?" Shawn smiled from his place on the bed, helping Jack get up on it when he came near.

"Yea. She got Lilly one too, but it's yellow."

"That's awesome bub. Did you thank her?"



That's when you walked into the room with a very upset looking one year old on your hip. Shawn took notice of how tired you looked, as well as how pale your face was getting.

"Hey babe." You mumble tiredly, shuffling over to the bed and giving him a quick kiss.

"Hey. What wrong with Lilly?" He asked with concern in his voice. Both of his girls looked absolutely exhausted and he couldn't help but start to worry.

"I think she's just tired. She had a meltdown in the car and just stopped crying a few minutes ago. I'm going to put her to bed." Shawn saw how your eyes were almost closing with every word.

"You feelin' okay Y/N? You're looking pretty pale." You didn't want to tell him that you had been feeling dizzy all day. He had enough on his plate as it was. A sick wife and two riled up kids wouldn't help.

"Yeah, just tired." Shawn saw right through your lie but chose not to say anything.

You changed Lilliana into her pajamas and brushed her teeth while Shawn talked to Jack. After you were done Shawn got Jack ready while you put Lilly in her crib.

He came out of the bathroom and was met with the sight of you on the bed with your eyes closed. He laid Jack down on his bed and kissed him goodnight and then walked over to you. He placed the back of his hand on your forehead and knew you were sick when he felt how hot it was. He wanted to let you keep sleeping but needed you to take some ibuprofen to reduce your fever.

"Y/N, Y/N babe. Wake up." He whispered, shaking your shoulder lightly.

"Not asleep. Just resting my eyes." You mutter, sitting up to get ready for bed, even though it was only 8:15.

"No, no. You can go to bed. You just need to take some ibuprofen to lower your temperature." His voice was soft and caring and while you appreciated the sympathy, you didn't want it. 

"Okay. I'm gonna go brush my teeth first." You stumble out of bed and ignore his worried stare. Moving towards the bathroom to brush your teeth your try not to fall down due to how light-headed you were feeling. You start to feel really dizzy after brushing your teeth, grabbing onto the sink for support as the room began to spin.

Shawn was scrolling through Instagram when he heard a loud thud from the bathroom. His worries about you only intensified when he saw you lying unconscious on the ground.

"Fuck." He whispers under his breath, hoping the kids weren't able to hear his language. "Y/N, Y/N!"

Jack woke up from the slight commotion coming from the bathroom and walked over to see why his father had such urgency in his voice.

"Daddy? Why is mommy on the floor?" He asks, squinting his eyes at the bright light that contrasted with the darkness of the rest of the hotel room.

"She's just tried buddy," Shawn lies, pushing his son away from you and towards his bed. "I think Mr. Brian is going to come get you so you can spend the night with him."


"You can go back to sleep if you want but you need to stay right here. Okay?" Shawn ignores his son's question, not wanting the three year old to worry. 

"Yes daddy."

Shawn takes out his phone to call Brian as he goes back to trying to wake you. It felt like the phone rang forever before it was picked up.

"Hey Brian," Shawn starts, not allowing Brian to say anything before he started talking. "So Y/N's sick and she just passed out and do you mind taking the kids for the night?" His words came out in a jumbled mess and he prayed that he wouldn't have to repeat them.

"Yeah, umm . . . I'll be over in a minute." Brian replies. "Does she need medical attention?"


"Why is that a question?"

"She's been out for a few minutes but I think it's just a combination of stress and low blood-sugar. 

"Alright. Call someone if she's not up in the next few minutes."

"I will." Shawn hung up just as you started to wake up. "Hey 'Mrs. I'm just tired'. Welcome back."

"Shit. Did I pass out?"

"Yes. You scared the - " He was interrupted by a knock on the door, signifying Brian's arrival. "I'll be back in a moment. Don't move."

"Wasn't planning on it."

"Hey man. Thank you so much. I just don't want the kids seeing her like this." Shawn's voice was hushed as he spoke to his friend

"No problem. Are they already asleep?"

"Jack's not but Lilly is."

"Alright. How's Y/N?"

"She woke up right before you came. She's not lookin' too great though." He ran a hand through his hair due to the stressful situation. "Here, I'll get the kids for you." In two minutes he had handed off a sleeping Lilly and a tired Jack off to Brian and was back to helping you.

"What is Brian doing with the kids?" The once cool tile beneath you was beginning to warm up, which was not helping how sweaty you were.

"He's going to take them for the night so I can take care of you and we don't have to worry about them." He stroked your hair and tucked a fallen strand behind your ear. "Don't give me that look. You just passed out, you have a fever, and you need to rest without a three year old jumping on you."

You started to close your eyes, exhaustion from taking care of the kids and sickness taking over.

"You want to go to bed now? It's probably more comfortable than the ground." Concern was etched in his voice and he noticed how beads of sweat were forming near your forehead.

"The ground is cold though." You whine, flipping around to face your husband and find another cool spot on the floor.

"I know, baby. We can turn the air-conditioning up if you like but we need to get you in a bed."

"Can I stay here for a moment?"

"Of course." 

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