A Little Too Much (Part 2)

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A/N: I really liked this fic last time so I decided to write a part 2. It's not that great but oh well. Please comment and vote! Thank you!!

Summery: You get sick on tour with Shawn because you've been stressing yourself out with the kids.

Word count: 1.4k+

Warnings: Swearing

After a few minutes of lying on the bathroom floor, Shawn decided that you needed to get to bed.

"Alright babe. Let's get you in bed." He says softly, hand stroking your head that was resting on his lap. You were almost asleep and he didn't want to wake you completely by moving you. When no response came, he lifted your torso from his lap so he could grab the underside of your knees to carry you.

"Noo. The floor felt so good." You complain when the feeling of the cool tile was gone from your skin.

"I know baby. The bed is going to be so much more comfortable." He gently placed you on the still made bed, kneeling down to be eye level with you.

"The bed is hot."

"I'll turn up the air conditioning and get you some ibuprofen." He had never seen you this sick before and it pained him to see you like this. "You need to get some sleep though."

"I would if you would leave me alone for a few minutes." Shawn giggled. Even at your worst, you were still your snarky self.

"Just a few more minutes and then I'll let you rest. I just need to take your temperature and then you can rest." You huff in response, allowing him to shuffle over to your suitcase that held a bag of medicine packed for the kids. He grabbed the thermometer before realizing that there was only liquid medicine in the bag. "Babe, did you pack regular ibuprofen?"

"In my purse." You mumbled, hoping Shawn heard you so you wouldn't have to repeat yourself.

"Sit up so I can take your temperature." You shuffled into a sitting position, barely having enough energy to do even that. Shawn put the thermometer in your ear and wrapped his free arm around your torso, putting his hand under your shirt and scratching your side lightly. The thermometer beeped a few seconds later and he moved his arm to get a clear look at it. "Yikes, 103. Alright Y/N, I just need you to take this medicine, drink some water, and then you can sleep."

He got up to grab a water bottle from the fridge and opened it up before giving it to you. You took a sip before taking the pill from his hand and taking it. "Thank you." You say as cap the bottle and place it on the nightstand next to the bed.

"One more sip please." Shawn pleads, taking the bottle and opening it up to give to you again. You took it and sipped, having no energy to argue with him. "Thank you baby. I love you." He presses a kiss to your forehead, lingering for a moment when he felt once again how hot your forehead was. He wiped some sweat from your hairline before smoothing it back before kissing you again.

"Love you too." You say sleepily, eyes struggling to stay open as you spoke.

"Get some rest baby." You were out before he finished his sentence. Shawn walks over to the other bed, sitting down and grabbing his phone to find a text from Brian.

Brian: Does Lilly need to sleep in a crib or is she good in bed with Jack?

Shawn: She's better off in the crib. I'll bring it over

Brian: No it's fine. I'll get it. Connor's in here so he can watch them

Shawn doesn't bother to reply, turning off his phone and placing it next to him. He looks over to your resting form in silence, wishing that it was him who was sick and not you. You needed a break from the kids. This wasn't the best way to get it, but he made sure to make plans for just the two of you once you got better. A minute later, there was a knock on the door.

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