Hey Bub (Dad!Shawn)

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A/N: Surprise and fast update! I wrote this for a writing thing on Tumblr so here you go. To clarify, (this will make sense in the fic) Dinosaur Chase is a game I played with my dad when I was little. It's like a combination of tag and Hide 'N Go Seek with a twist. Anyways, enjoy and thanks for reading!

Word Count: 800+

Summary: Shawn brings his son to the hospital to meet his new baby sister.

Warning: Lots of fluff!

"Hey bub! How was your stay with Grandma and Papa?" Shawn asks his three year old son as he picked him up from the ground. He had just spent the night with your parents and Shawn swang by to pick him up and bring him to you.

"It was awesome dad! Papa and I played trains and Grandma and I made cookies. We even made extras for you, mommy, and the baby!" He said excitedly, messing with two toy cars as Shawn strapped him into his car seat.

"I don't think the baby can eat cookies yet kid. They don't have any teeth to chew them with."

"Well then you and mommy can eat them. Grandma said I ate enough but I can have one more later if I'm good when we visit mommy."

"Well you better be a good boy then."

The drive to the hospital was short, Jack talking about his day with his grandparents and asking about his new sibling.

"What's the new baby like? Is it a boy or a girl?"

"You have a baby sister and she's -"

"A sister?! Yay!"

"Yes, a sister. She's really little."

"Can I hold her when we get see mommy?"

"You sure can. You have to be really careful though. You don't want to drop her."

"I will daddy."

Shawn turned into the hospital parking lot and parked the car, smiling at the fact that he was going to get to see his two favorite girls again. He got out and opened his son's door, unbuckling the boy who was still explaining the game he and his grandfather had played.

"It's called 'Dinosaur Chase'. Papa said he used to play it all the time with mommy when she was little." Jack rambled, proceeding to explain the game to Shawn and how grandma had tricked him by being an old lady who needed help and wanted to come in with the dinosaur right behind her. He kept talking until they reached you room, when Shawn shushed him quietly.

"We have to be quiet now. Mommy might be asleep and we don't want to wake her up if she is. She's really tired." He told the young boy, pretending to lock his lips and put the key in his pocket.

"Okay." Jack replied, mimicking his father's actions.

They opened the door to find you asleep. Shawn wasn't surprised, you had been in labor for 15 excruciating hours. Lilliana, your daughter, was born at 3:01 in the morning. You were both tired and managed to get a few hours of sleep, but Shawn had to leave around 11 to pick up Jack. He was happy to see you sleeping peacefully at last. The last two weeks had been fairly stressful for you and sleep was hard to get.

"Where's the baby?" Jack whispered, confused as to why he came to see his sister and she wasn't even there.

"She's in the nursery right now. The nurse will bring her in a little bit so she can eat and then you can hold her," Shawn replied, looking over to your bed and seeing that you were now awake. "Hey babe. How are you feeling?"

"Tired, sore, but not the worst I've ever been," You say with a sleepy smile. "Is that my Jack?"

"Mommy!" The boy squealed with excitement, reaching his small arms towards you.

"Hey bud. How was Grandma and Papa's?"

Jack proceeded to tell you about his sleepover, giving every detail he gave Shawn. He stopped talking eventually, becoming engrossed in a show on the T.V.

"Hey sweetheart." Shawn leaned over the side of the bed to give you a kiss.

"Hey," You smiled as he kissed you forehead, your favorite type of kiss. "Did he behave well?"

"Of course. They were happy to help and said they'd come by to see you later."

"Sounds good."

There was a knock on the door and a nurse walked in, carrying your daughter.

"Mrs. Mendes, it's time to feed your daughter. Do you want any help or do you think you'll be okay?" She asked as she handed the whimpering baby to you.

"I think I'm good, thank you."

"Alright, I'll leave you to it. Let me know if you need me." She left the room, leaving you to feed Lilliana and Shawn to entertain Jack.

"Is that my sister?" Jack asked excitedly, shuffling closer to you to see the baby you were holding.

"This is Lilliana. She's your new baby sister."

"Can I hold her?"

"I have to feed her first. You can hold her after, okay?"

Jack hopped off the hospital bed and went to sit with his dad, who played cars with him while you fed Lilliana.

After Jack held Lilliana, Shawn offered to take over so you could rest, to which you happily obliged.

"Hey baby." He cooed at the small child in his arms. She was so tiny compared to him and he smiled when she reached out to grab his finger. He realized that she had your nose and ears, but his eyes. He was so happy to have a daughter now. "I love you."

With a kiss to her forehead, he sat down on the chair next to your bed and admired his new baby.

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