Never In My Life

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A/N: I haven't written in like two months and I wrote most of this in about an hour but I love this it! It may be one of my favorites!

Summary: You and Shawn exchange pastries for books every week. When your boyfriend dumps you, it brings out emotions you two failed to show before. (Best friends to lovers!) (Baker!Shawn)

Word Count: 2.4k +

Warnings: Swearing, a *fight* but not really. 

"Welcome to Baker Boys Pastries-- oh, it's just Y/N," Shawn said as you walked through the door of his bakery. You shake you head. After all these years, you thought he would've come up with a better greeting by now.

"Dang, I was gone for two whole weeks and this is the greeting I get?" you laugh, walking up to the counter and placing your hands on it.

"I don't see a book in your hands so I can't be bothered by your presence."

"Bold of you to assume I would ever come without a book. All I want is my free pastry. Your face disgusts me."

"Shut up," he mumbles as he walks around the counter to pull you into a hug. "I missed you."

"I missed you too, ya goof."

"Let me get your pastry."

"Hey, how long 'til you close?"

"Half an hour."

"I'll stick around."

A smile came to Shawn's face. It had only been two weeks since he saw his best friend yet she looked like she had a month's worth of information to tell him.

"What book did you bring this time?" he asked as he grabbed a cinnamon bun and put it on a plate. You made the plate for him years ago during a pottery class and gave it as a Christamas present. You were the only person he ever let use it.

"It's called Running With Scissors. It's a really good memoir and I think you'll love it." You absentmindedly messed with the trim that decorated the counter.

"If you picked it out I'm sure it's great." He smiled even though you couldn't see him. He knew that the second you got a chance to sit down and talk to him, you would go on forever about how much you loved it.

He missed the blush that rushed to your cheeks. He was the only person who actually listened to your book rambles.

"Here's your cinnamon bun, my dear," Shawn said, handing you the plate of warm delight from behind the counter, "and I will see you in twenty five minutes."

You took the plate and went to sit at a table near in a corner of the bakery. You planned to finish the book you were reading but got distracted watching Shawn baking. You couldn't help it. The apron he had on was too cute, not to mention his sleeves were rolled up to his elbows and his hair was messy from working all day.

You snapped out of your trance when he came over to you table, pulling out a seat and plopping down with a small huff.

"Alrighty, tell me about the trip." His smile was contagious and you couldn't help but smile yourself.

"It was fun, I guess." You smile faded. You were kinda hoping you could avoid that subject.

"What do you mean, 'you guess'?"

"Zack called to dump me on the third day," you sighed, drumming your fingers on the table.

"What the hell?" he asked. His eyebrows furrowed as he reached a hand across the table to grab yours.

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