If I Could Tell Her

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A/N: So I've started a Shawn book so hello peoples! This imagine was inspired the song, If I Could Tell Her, from Dear Evan Hanson (one of my favorite musicals). It kinda takes an idea, but doesn't really follow the lyrics so . . . Anyways, I hope you enjoy and please vote comment and follow me! Thanks for reading!

Word Count: 1k+ 

Warning: None

Summary: You get lost backstage and have to ask someone for directions, and you didn't expect the cute boy you're basically working for to come save you. 


But we're a million worlds apart

and I don't know how I would even start

If I could tell her

The hallway that led to backstage never seemed to end. You were supposed to be on stage to set up for the concert in two minutes and you couldn't seem to figure out how to get there, no matter how many times you circled around and took a new turn. Turning another corner, you saw a door that may lead you to stage. Breathing a sigh of relief and feeling your nerves calm slightly, you open the door, only to find a few brooms a buckets. You had found the janitor closet. Great. You close the door with a huff and start down the hallway for what felt like the hundredth time. 

As you walked farther down you started seeing less closets, meaning you were probably going in the right direction. You realized you were wrong though when you came to a wall. Sighing in annoyance, you turn around and start again, realizing that you were going to have to ask someone for directions. That was slightly problematic for two reasons.

First, nobody was in sight, probably helping set up and getting ready for soundcheck. Second, you didn't like talking to people, so approaching them wasn't your ideal situation. You looked for a door that may lead you to either the stage or a person who could help you out and eventually found a dressing room door. You knocked on the door and waited for a response. When none came, you moved to the next one over. 

"One second please!" Was the response you got. 

"I don't really have a minute." You mumble to yourself as the door was swung open. 

"Sorry, what was that?" The person asks.

"Uh, nothing." You say suddenly feeling very awkward when you see that it's Shawn. "Do you know how to get to stage?" 

"Uh, yeah. Just follow me." He says with a smile, stepping out of the dressing room and closing the door quietly. "I'm surprised you didn't get out there earlier."

"Well I kinda got lost so I couldn't really be out there." 

"That's true. You're Y/N, right?"

He knew your name? 

"Y/N, yea." 

"Awesome. I'm Shawn."

"Yes, because I obviously didn't know who you, the star of the show, the whole reason I have this job, is." You reply sarcastically, giggling when he rolled his eyes in a playful manner. 

"Hey, you never know. Besides, what else am I supposed to say when you're so pretty and I don't know what to say."

He thought you were pretty? You thought Shawn had no idea of your existence, much less thought you were pretty. You were just a shy tech girl, not a world famous celebrity.  

"Oh, uh, thank you?" You laugh nervously, looking everywhere except the boy next to you. 

"I shouldn't have said that. You look uncomfortable."

"No, no. It's okay. I'm just not used to being called pretty, especially by cute guys."

"Thanks." He laughs a little awkwardly, blushing at the compliment. It wasn't every day the girl he likes calls him cute. "Oh, here we are."

"Thank you so much for helping me! Good luck at the show tonight."

"Thanks. Maybe we can talk later?"

"Yea. I'll catch you after-"

"Y/N! Get over here! Where have you been?" One of the crew members yelled from stage, obviously annoyed at your lateness.

"Alright, I have to go. Thanks again!" 

"See you around, Y/N." 

"See you Shawn." 

With that he headed back to his dressing room, blushing at how he had just called the girl he had been admiring since the beginning of the tour pretty. The girl who had been a million worlds apart, the girl that seemed so nice and compassionate, the girl that was so shy he didn't know what to say to her. She never talked, how was he supposed to know what she would want to talk about?

Meanwhile, you were trying to focus on getting things backstage organized without freaking out. Shawn Mendes had just said you were pretty. You, Y/N, the shy tech girl who was never given a second thought by even a normal guy.  

"Y/N, what's up with you? You not too focused right now." A crew member commented as they handed you a headset, preparing for soundcheck. 

"Just something unusual, that's all." You reply, looking at the set list to see where you needed to be.

"It looks like more than that. You're blushing. Did someone call you cute or something?" 

"Something like that."

You turned around to walk farther down the side of backstage, managing to bump into a tall figure as you did.

"Fancy meeting you here." Shawn comments, hands holding your shoulders to steady you so you wouldn't fall. "We should stop meeting like this."

"Like what?"

"Like in ways where we aren't planning on meeting and then we don't know what to say."

"Speak for yourself. I plan every move."

"I'm sure you do." He laughs, shaking his head at how serious you looked at the moment, as if you met people under strange circumstances on a daily basis. "You're funny you know."

"Of course I do. If you decided to know what to say to me more often, you would know that about me." You smirk, suddenly feeling a surge of confidence. It wasn't often that this side of you came out to people you didn't know well, but when it, you easily made friends with that person. 

"Well, then. If you stop by my dressing room after the show, maybe we can talk some more and I can ask you on a date." 

"I might show up." 

"I hope you do." 

With that he walked out on stage and you became very excited for the conversation that awaited you after the show. 

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