All The Kisses

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A/N: I really like this one. Thanks for reading!

Summary: All the types of kisses you share with Shawn throughout your relationship

Word Count: 2.2k+

Warnings: Some swearing and brief mentions of an anxiety attack. Very, very fluffy. Poorly proofread. 

The First Kiss

You were just sitting next to each other on the ground and doing homework. Music was playing softly from your laptop and not much was said as you both worked on your Chemistry labs.

"Can you check this equation for me?" Shawn asked, pushing his notebook towards you. He smiled when you looked up from your notebook with big eyes, having not heard what he asked.

"What?" You brushed a loose strand from your ponytail back. He swore you had never looked cuter.

"Equation. Check," he chuckled.

"Oh, sure." You scanned over the numbers, erasing a two he had placed in front of Hydrogen, "Hydrogen has a subscript of two when it's alone, so you don't need the two in front."

"Thanks." His smile was soft and you swore you could have kissed him right then.

Last First Kiss started playing and you sang along quietly, when Shawn asked you, "Y/N, have you had your first kiss yet?"

"Shawn, you're my best friend. Trust me, you'd be the first to know if I did." You weren't really fazed by the question, but Shawn seemed somewhat shocked by your answer.

"Have you been on a date?"

"Nope." You rolled your eyes and let out a playful sigh. "Oh, I am such a poor, lonely soul." You placed your hand to your heart and made a dramatic frown. Shawn laughed.

"I could be your last first kiss, " he stated with a glint in his eyes.

"Stop plagiarizing One Direction. Write your own songs."

"I have!"

"Exactly! Use them!" You both laughed. Shawn watched you as your face returned to a more restful expression. The hair that fell in front of your face did little to block the small smile still resting on your face. "What are you staring at?"

"Just how beautiful you are." You blushed profusely. Your best friend who you happened to have a decent sized crush on just called you cute? No way.

"What are you talking about?" You tried to brush off the comment, but every thought of it made you blush even more.

"You're so pretty. I have no idea how you haven't had your first kiss or even been on a date, but I'm gonna change that." Before you could respond, his lips were on yours. It was short and sweet, but it left you breathless.

Shawn started at your shocked expression, worried he had done something wrong. "I'm so sorry, I should have asked-" He was cut off by you cupping his cheeks and pulling him in again. He smiled. Nothing could beat this moment.

Top of the Head Kisses

"I don't know how I failed it," You exclaimed through tears. You were leaning against your car, a hand covering your tearstained face. "I worked so hard."

"I know baby. I know," Shawn said softly as he pulled you into his chest. His right hand went around your waist while his left held your head to his chest. He had seen you study for a whole week. You had gone to the teacher every day after school, having to cancel some of your plans with him. It didn't make sense that you had spent all this time trying and failed anyways.

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